International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) <p>The International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH), is a scientific platform that collects academic papers published in an academic seminar. Where the outer targets are distributed journals. This proceeding contains the contributions made by the researchers in the seminar.</p> <p>The International Conference on Educations, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) is an international seminar held by Bina Bangsa Getsempena University (UBBG) which aims to increase the knowledge capacity of writers in the fields of education, technology and health sciences. where participants will hold a conference with articles that have been prepared by the author.</p> en-US (ICONESTH) (Ferdi Riansyah) Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:59:50 +0700 OJS 60 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF POWTOON BASED MEDIA ON PROJECT BASED LEARNING (PJBL) TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY <p>This study aims to determine the use of video animation media to improve students' speaking comprehension focused on project-based learning in eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 5 Banda Aceh teaching 2023/2024 and to find out whether the use of PowToon animation media can improve students' speaking comprehension in project-based learning in class eleven SMA Negeri 5 Banda aceh. This class consists of 20 experimental class students and 24 control class students. The author believes that the use of PowToon media can be chosen as one of the effective efforts used to overcome students' speaking comprehension in the teaching and learning process. In this study, the writer will see whether the use of PowToon media can improve students' understanding of project-based learning. From the research, the authors found that there was a significant influence on student scores before and after the experiment. The results showed that the students' post-test scores increased significantly the highest compared to the pre-test. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the accepted hypothesis states that the use of video animation media can increase students' scores in understanding speech.</p> Safinatul Chairi, Mulyani Mulyani, Muliadi Muliadi Copyright (c) Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0700 COMMUNITY KNOWLEDGE RELATIONSHIP WITH HANDLING OF SYMPTOMS OF INCREASED URIC ACID LEVELS IN KAYEE LEE VILLAGE KECAMATAN WANTING JAYA ACEH BESAR DISTRICT <p>Gout is one of several diseases that will be a problem for sufferers because it not only interferes with health but can also cause physical disabilities. High uric acid levels in the blood exceeding normal limits cause a buildup of uric acid in the joints and other organs of the body. This buildup of uric acid makes joints ache, sore and inflamed. As humans, they must have different behaviors to deal with their illness according to the behavior they have, the behavior itself has components in which there are knowledge, attitudes, and actions. This study aims to determine the relationship between community knowledge and treatment of symptoms of increased uric acid levels in Kayee lLee Village, Wanna Jaya District, and Aceh Besar District. The design of this study will use a cross-sectional type of analytics. The population in this study were those who actively participated in the elderly Posyandu and had been diagnosed with gout as many as 32 people. The sampling technique used a total sampling technique of 32 respondents. The reason for using total sampling is because the population is less than 100. This research was conducted on June 12 - July 18, 2023, using a questionnaire sheet measurement method. Data processing was carried out using the Chi-Square test. The results showed that most of the respondents with good knowledge of handling were 18 (78.3%) respondents, and those with good knowledge but no handling were 5 (21.7%). While the majority of respondents who had sufficient knowledge with handling 1 (11.1%) respondents, and those who had sufficient knowledge but no treatment were 8 (88.9%) respondents. The results of the chi-square test p-value 0.001 (p &lt;0.05) so that it can be concluded that Ha is accepted, indicating that there is a significant relationship between knowledge and treatment of symptoms of increased uric acid levels.</p> Aina Fadhla, Maulida Maulida, Eridha Putra Copyright (c) Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0700 THE USE OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE IN INCREASING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL ON DESCRIPTIVE TEXT THROUGH MINDOMO APPLICATION FOR SECOND GRADE OF SMAN 3 TEUPAH SELATAN <p>This study aims to determine the use of the mind mapping technique through the mindomo application to improve students' writing comprehension focused on descriptive text in eleventh grade at SMA Negeri 3 Teupah Selatan 2023/2024 and to find out whether the use of the mind mapping technique through the mindomo application can improve students' writing comprehension of texts descriptive text in eleventh grade at SMA Negeri 3 Teupah Selatan. This class consists of 19 students. The author believes that using the mind mapping technique through the mindomo application can be chosen as one of the effective efforts used to overcome students' writing comprehension in the teaching and learning process. In this study, the writer will see whether the use of mind mapping techniques through the mindomo application can improve students' writing comprehension of descriptive texts. From the research, the authors found that there was a significant influence on student scores before and after the experiment. The results showed that the students' post-test scores increased significantly the highest compared to the pre-test. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the accepted hypothesis states that the use of the mind mapping technique through the Mindomo application can increase students' scores in understanding writing descriptive text.</p> Riski Mayusandra, Rosdiana Rosdiana, Syarfuni Syarfuni Copyright (c) Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0700 IMPROVING ABILITY TO KNOW THE CONCEPT OF NUMBER THROUGH COUNTING ACTIVITIES USING MEDIA BOTTLE CAP FOR CHILDREN IN GROUP B-2 KINDERGARTEN NEW CITY EMPLOYEES <p>The ability to recognize the concept of numbers needs to be introduced from an early age, where at an early stage, children must first be introduced to simple number concepts. This study aims to determine the increased ability to recognize numbers through counting activities using bottle caps in children in group B-2 Kindergarten Employees of Kota Baru. This study uses a classroom action research design by adopting the Kemmis and MC Taggart models with four action stages: planning, implementation/action, observation, and reflection. The number of subjects is 20 children; data collection is done through observation and documentation. The results showed that there was an increase in numeracy skills through the media of bottle caps in children in group B-2 Kindergarten Employees, namely the pre-cycle results only developed 20%, increased to 55% in cycle I, in cycle II increased to 85% while exceeding the standard of participant development students set at 80%. The teacher's activity in learning to count using bottle cap media in cycle I was categorized as good with a score of 77.25%, increasing to very good in cycle II with a score of 98.25%. Children's activity in learning to count using bottle cap media in cycle I was categorized as sufficient with a score of 64%, increasing to very good in cycle II with a score of 88.25%. This study concluded that counting activities using bottle cap media can improve the ability to recognize the concept of numbers in kindergarten children.</p> Rosmawar Rosmawar, Ahmad Nasriadi, Fitriah Hayati Copyright (c) Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0700 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELF-COMPASSION AND INCREASED BLOOD PRESSURE IN LATE ADULTS OF KAYE LEE VILLAGE, INGIN JAYA DISTRICT, ACEH BESAR <p>Hypertension is a factor that causes serious illnesses such as heart attacks, kidney failure, and strokes. The research design used was descriptive analytic with research subjects in late adults aged 36-45 in Kaye Lee Village, Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar. The sampling technique used Total Sampling with a total of 35 respondents. The results of this study indicate a significant p-value (0.062 &lt;0.05). Based on the results of the above study, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between self-compassion and increased blood pressure in late adulthood in Kaye Lee Village, Ingin Jaya District, and Aceh Besar. Adults aged 35 and over are very productive with various activities. It's no wonder that at that age they work and have almost no free time to rest. Most of the time is spent at work, resulting in them not being able to prepare their food at home, so they often buy ready-to-eat food, either buying it directly or ordering it online, the habit of consuming ready-to-eat food is done more than 2 times a week so they in the last 6 months often experience complaints of headaches and dizziness.</p> Mardhatillah Mardhatillah, Eridha Putra, Erma Yanti Copyright (c) Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0700 APPLICATION OF TRADITIONAL CATFISH PEG GAMES IN LEARNING MATH ALGEBRA MATERIAL AT SMPN 10 BANDA ACEH <p>Many factors cause students' ability to learn mathematics to be low. Therefore it is very important to implement an innovative learning that is able to improve students' abilities in learning mathematics, one way that can be taken is to apply the catfish stake game in learning. Patok Lele is a game native to the archipelago which is spread in various regions of Indonesia including in Aceh Province, especially in Banda Aceh, the game Patok Lele is played in groups. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the application of the traditional Patok Lele game affects the learning of mathematics in algebra material at SMPN 10 Banda Aceh. The aim of this research is to determine the application of the Traditional Patok game to learning mathematics in algebra material at SMPN 10 Banda Aceh. This research belongs to quantitative research, this research is an experimental research type and uses the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The results of the hypothesis analysis were carried out using the t pair sample statistical test. Based on the analysis using the t test, the value of t (count) = 21.641 is obtained and t_table = 1.70. So&nbsp; tcount&gt;ttable , it can be concluded that the application of the Traditional Patok Lele game has an effect on learning mathematics in algebra material at SMPN 10 Banda Aceh. In implementing the Traditional Patok Lele game, teachers are expected to be able to look at the difficulties experienced by some students in each step of their learning so that they can immediately help them overcome.</p> Murda Riski Murda Riski. G , Mulia Putra, Rahmatillah Rahmatillah Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE ROLE OF POSYANDU cadres ON THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF ELDERLY STROKE PATIENTS IN THE WORK AREA MEURAH MULIA NORTH ACEH HEALTH CENTER <p>The increase in the number of elderly (elderly) in Indonesia is estimated to be the fastest growing elderly in the world. The increasing number of elderly cannot be separated from the aging process and its problems. One of the solutions made by nurses to improve the quality of life of the elderly is by carrying out health promotion to organize and provide nursing care for the elderly through elderly posyandu activities by optimizing health cadres. The results of an initial survey conducted by researchers through interviews of 10 elderly stroke patients, there were 6 elderly stroke patients who complained about their illness and their families also said the patients seemed not enthusiastic about living life because they lacked attention and lack of motivation from the surrounding environment, and 4 elderly stroke patients who accepts his illness gracefully and does not complain about his illness. The design of this study will use a cross-sectional type of analytic. The population in this study amounted to 32 people, namely all elderly stroke patients who were in the working area of the Meurah Mulia North Aceh Health Center. The sampling technique was carried out using the total sampling method, totaling 32 people. Data analysis was performed univariately and bivariately using the Chi Square test. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be seen that there were 19 respondents (59.4%) in the Good category in terms of patient quality of life and 13 respondents (40.6%) in the less category. The results of statistical tests using the Chi Square Test obtained, &nbsp;value 0.002 &lt;0.005, then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the role of Posyandu Cadres and the Quality of Life of Elderly Stroke Patients in the Working Area of the Meurah Mulia Health Center, North Aceh District.</p> Nadia Ulfa, Regina Rahmi Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 10 Oct 2023 15:07:55 +0700 THE EFFECT OF USING VISUAL VIDEOS FOR LEARNING BASIC SWIMMING TECHNIQUES AND PUSH UP EXERCISES ON SWIMMING BREASTSTROKE ABILITY AT STATE 1 SINGKIL PRIMARY SCHOOL <p>This study entitled: “The effect of using visual video on learning basic butterfly swimming techniques with push-up exercises at SDN 1 SINGKIL”&nbsp; This study aims to determine the effects of using visual videos on learning basic butterfly swimming techniques with push-up exercises at SDN 1 SINGKIL the formulation of the problem in this study is: Is there any effect of the use of visual videos on learning the basic technique of swimming the butterfly style with push up exercises at SDN 1 SINGKIL? The method used in this research is quantitative. Certain pretest-posttest populations in this study were students in class 5A at SDN 1 SINGKIL in 2022/2023, totaling 20 students. The sampling technique is cluster sampling. The data collection technique used was the basic butterfly stroke technique test. The data analysis technique used is to calculate the average value(mean), standard deviation and the two-mean difference tet(t.test). Based on the results of the study, there was an effect of using visual videos on learning the basic techniques of butterfly stroke swimming with push-up exercises influenced by several other factors, only 22,6 %&nbsp; of the basic techniques of butterfly stroke swimming were influenced by push-up exercises.</p> Maqhfira Laili Syafitri Zega Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 10 Oct 2023 15:14:11 +0700 FACTORS RELATED TO MEDICATION MANAGEMENT AT SIMPANG TIGA HEALTH CENTER SIMPANG THREE DISTRICT <p>One of the essential things in health services is the management and financing of medicines. The data that researchers obtained showed that one of the problems was the lack of stock of medicines in health installations, giving medicines to patients close to the expiry date. Sometimes, the medicines given to patients were not appropriate. This research aims to determine the factors related to the drug management system at the Simpang Tiga Community Health Center in 2023. The research method used was analytical descriptive with a cross-sectional study approach and the chi-square test. The sample was 32 people, carried out on January 22 - January 27, 2023, at Simpang Tiga Health Center. The data collection tool is a questionnaire consisting of 30 statement items which have been tested for validity and reliability. Research Results: Planning with a good drug management system (69%) (p = 0.028), there is a relationship between procurement and a sound drug management system (80%) (p = 0.015), there is a relationship between storage and a good drug management system (73 .1%) (p= 0.015), there is a relationship between distribution and a good drug management system (81.8%) (p = 0.001), there is a relationship between recording and reporting with a good drug management system (71.4%) (p = 0.010).</p> Nur Akmal Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 10 Oct 2023 15:22:50 +0700 FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE ADEQUACY OF DIALYSIS IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING DIALYSIS THERAPY AT THE HEMODIALISIS INSTALLATION OF HOSPITAL dr. ZAINOEL ABIDIN IN 2023 <p>Chronic kidney failure is a disease that requires hemodialysis. Long-term hemodialysis therapy will affect various aspects of life and have an impact on reducing the patient's quality of life. To improve the patient's quality of life, this can be done by increasing the patient's adequacy in each hemodialysis session. The study aimed to identify factors that influence dialysis adequacy in patients undergoing dialysis therapy in the hemodialysis installation at RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin. This type of research is descriptive correlative with a cross-sectional study design. The population in this study were chronic kidney failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. Sampling used the Slovin formula purposive sampling technique, namely 85 respondents. The data collection tool is a standard table with the Cronin scale. Univariate and bivariate analysis data. The results of the bivariate analysis show that there is a relationship between Quick of Blood (QB) and hemodialysis adequacy with a p-value = 0.001 (P &lt; 0.005), there is a relationship between time of dialysis and hemodialysis adequacy with a p-value = 0.001 (p &lt; 0.001), there is the relationship between vascular access and hemodialysis adequacy with P-value=0.004 (p&lt;0.005).</p> Leli Alasta, Gadis Halizasia, Ferdi Riansyah Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 10 Oct 2023 15:25:02 +0700 UTILIZATION OF CCTV AS STUDENT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT MEDIA IN MUHAMMADIYAH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL KAMPUNG PISANG LABUHAN HAJI <p>Many schools have installed CCTV but have only used it for security purposesand have not used it optimally for the formation and development of studentcharacter. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptiveanalysis method regarding the implementation of the use of CCTV as a mediumfor the formation and development of student character at SMPMuhammadiyah Kampung Pisang Labuhanhaji. Data collection was carried outusing interviews, questionnaires, observation, and document studies, whiletesting the validity of the data using technical triangulation and sourcetriangulation. The results of the study showed that (1) the formation ofdiscipline,orderliness, student punctuality and security at SMPMuhammadiyah Kampung Pisang Labuhanhaji increased after CCTV wasinstalled. (2) The effectiveness of CCTV surveillance in improving thecharacter of Muhammadiyah Middle School students in Kampung PisangLabuhanhaji has been quite effective. Improvements that need to be made tomaximize CCTV as a means of building student character are inappropriateactions from students immediately followed up on the spot and adding CCTVmonitors so that more are not only Principals, BK Teachers, and Student Affairswho use CCTV as monitoring media but more parties who can supervisestudent behavior in the context of character building.</p> Sudarmadi, Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Mardhatillah Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 22 Jan 2024 16:07:29 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN SOUTH ACEH REGENCY <p>A software program called a learning management system (LMS) offers virtualclasses for both teachers and students. LMS can be installed on the schoolwebsite and delivered to regional school networks. As a result, access toeducational resources is made simpler for junior high and senior high schoolstudents and teachers. In each academic year, junior high and senior highschools provide a large number of classes, each with a wide range of subjects.A thorough understanding of LMS features is necessary to apply the learningthat the LMS supports, allowing it to be used to support different classes anddisciplines. In order for LMS to support several classes and subjects, this studysuggests a plan for its deployment in junior high and senior high schools.</p> Yendri Farma, Akmaluddin, Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 22 Jan 2024 16:10:53 +0700 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ISLAMIC SCHOOL CULTURE AT SMP NEGERI 1 LABUHANHAJI TIMUR <p>This study aims to determine TQM planning in the application of Islamic schoolculture, the implementation of Islamic school culture and the constraints ofimplementing Islamic school culture at SMPN 1 Labuhanhaji Timur. This studyuses a qualitative descriptive approach by conducting observations, interviewsand documentation. The results of the research show that TQM planning iscarried out by forming a school development team in formulating schoolprograms in accordance with the school's vision and mission. Theimplementation of TQM in learning uses media and learning methods that varyaccording to the RPP made by educators at the beginning of the school year andevaluates the TQM program through supervision by the principal and or seniorteacher appointed by the principal. The application of Islamic school culturecan be seen by mutual respect with teachers and fellow students, clean culture,mutual help, mutual cooperation and most importantly, the provision of variousIslamic religious knowledge in the form of yasinan recitation and religiouslectures. Constraints experienced internally by teachers who are lessprofessional, limited facilities and infrastructure, and communityparticipation/support factors. While the internal constraints are the lack ofenthusiasm for motivation from within the students and the factors of the familyenvironment that do not support the development of students at SMP N 1Labuhanhaji Timur.</p> Maulinas, Akmaluddin, Mayang Sari, Rahmatullah Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 22 Jan 2024 16:12:14 +0700 MANAGEMENT OF INDUSTRY COOPERATION AND THE WORLD OF WORK (IDUKA) WITH SMKN 1 TAPAKTUAN CONCENTRATION OF EXPERTISE (TKJ) ON FIELD WORK PRACTICE EXPERIENCE <p>Management of Industrial Cooperation and the World of Work (IDUKA)between SMK Negeri 1 Tapaktuan Concentration of Expertise (TKJ) andincreasing practical fieldwork experiences for students. IDUKA is acollaborative program that aims to facilitate opportunities for collaborationbetween schools and the industrial world to better prepare students to enter theworld of work. This article describes how Tapaktuan 1 Public VocationalSchool establishes partnerships with various companies in the technology andcomputer network sectors, providing opportunities for TKJ students to take partin apprenticeship programs or field work practices. The benefits of IDUKA andpractical work experience are significant, as students gain insight into industrialwork processes and opportunities to interact with experienced professionals, aswell as reduce the gap between the world of education and the world of work.Periodic evaluations are also recognized as important to ensure that the IDUKAprogram is always relevant to industry developments that are constantlychanging. This program is a clear example of how collaboration betweenschools and industry can improve the quality of education and student careerpreparation. Overall, this article concludes that the Management of IndustrialCooperation and the World of Work (IDUKA) between SMK Negeri 1Tapaktuan Concentration of Expertise (TKJ) provides great benefits forstudents in preparation for the world of work. This collaboration is a clearexample of how collaboration between schools and industry can improve thequality of education and student career preparation.</p> Ivan Suhendra, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 22 Jan 2024 16:13:35 +0700 IMPROVING ACTIVITIES AND OUTCOMES OF VOLLEYBALL THROUGH APPLICATION OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODELS IN CLASS VII STUDENTS OF SMP NEGERI 18 BANDA ACEH <p>This research is a literature review that provides some information relatedto the phenomenon being discussed in this study. The purpose of this studywas to find out about character education as an effort to apply religious,moral and ethical values to students through science, with the assistance ofparents, teachers and the community, which is very important for theformation and development of students' character. This potential must behoned and socialized properly so that the character of each child is formedand develops optimally. Society in this digital era, children can easily enjoydigital media. The digital era has not only positive but also negative impacts.The role of teachers and parents is very important to guide and control whatchildren do with digital media so that children can make the best use of theopportunities that exist. digital media and get maximum benefits for bothyourself and your life. The results of the research can be applied to the worldof education by utilizing digital but with good direction and guidance fromteachers and parents.</p> Rahmaniah, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Lili Kasmini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:05:40 +0700 UTILIZATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION OF SOCIETY 5.0 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>This research is a literature review that provides some information related to thephenomenon being discussed in this study. With the assistance of parents, teachers,and the community, this study sought to discover character education as an effort toapply religious, moral, and ethical values to students through science. Charactereducation is crucial for students' character formation and development. Thispotential should be sharpened and mingled appropriately with the goal that thepersonality of every youngster is shaped and grows ideally. Children can easilyenjoy digital media in today's society. The advanced time has positive as well asadverse consequences. The job of instructors and guardians is vital to guide andcontrol how kids manage advanced media so youngsters can utilize the valuableopen doors that exist. Sophisticated media and get the benefits of extremewithhering for yourself and your life. The results of the research can be applied tothe world of education by utilizing digital but with good direction and guidancefrom teachers and parents.</p> Sufriadi, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Lili Kasmini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:06:57 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF CANVA MEDIA ON THE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF CLASS VI STUDENTS IN INTRODUCTION TO THE SOLAR SYSTEM AT SDN 61 BANDA ACEH <p>This research is entitled The Influence of Canva Media on Learning Outcomesof Class VI Students on Introduction to the Solar System at SDN 61 BandaAceh. Using a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniquesused are observation, interviews and literature studies. This discussion concernsthe influence of the Canva application as a learning medium for learning aboutthe solar system. Learning media is needed by teachers in supporting andsupporting teaching in education. Media is a tool used by teachers in teaching,apart from using books or lecture methods, teachers are also expected to havedifferent learning media and adapt the material and conditions to theirrespective students. Technological developments are increasingly rapid andadvanced, everyone is expected to understand technology as a support for allexisting activities, as well as in the realm of education. Teachers and studentscan take advantage of technology-based learning media, one of which is theCanva application. Canva is an online-based application that provides attractivedesigns in the form oftemplate, features, and the categories given in it. Withvarious and attractive designs, it makes the learning process not boring. Byusing the Canva application, teachers can teach students knowledge, creativity,and skills so that this media can also be used in various areas of life.This research is entitled The Influence of Canva Media on Learning Outcomesof Class VI Students on Introduction to the Solar System at SDN 61 BandaAceh. Using a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniquesused are observation, interviews and literature studies. This discussion concernsthe influence of the Canva application as a learning medium for learning aboutthe solar system. Learning media is needed by teachers in supporting andsupporting teaching in education. Media is a tool used by teachers in teaching,apart from using books or lecture methods, teachers are also expected to havedifferent learning media and adapt the material and conditions to theirrespective students. Technological developments are increasingly rapid andadvanced, everyone is expected to understand technology as a support for allexisting activities, as well as in the realm of education. Teachers and studentscan take advantage of technology-based learning media, one of which is theCanva application. Canva is an online-based application that provides attractivedesigns in the form oftemplate, features, and the categories given in it. Withvarious and attractive designs, it makes the learning process not boring. Byusing the Canva application, teachers can teach students knowledge, creativity,and skills so that this media can also be used in various areas of life.</p> Rusmaini, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:08:23 +0700 DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL VIDEO ANIMATION OF WATER CYCLE MATERIALS IN CLASS 5 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SD) STUDENTS <p>Video learning media can assist teachers in conveying learning and facilitatingstudent learning with a fun and non-monotonous learning atmosphere so that itcan improve student achievement in learning and students' thinking skills. Thepurpose of developing this media is to produce valid and appropriate animatedcartoon educational video products for fifth grade elementary school students.This research method uses the ADDIE model and has been modified by theresearcher. The purpose of this research is to develop interactive multimedia onthe topic of the water cycle for fifth grade elementary school students. This typeof research is development using the ADDIE development model. There were12 research subjects consisting of 2 material experts and 2 learning mediaexperts and 2 science teachers. The test subjects were fifth grade students atBakongan 3 Public Elementary School. Collecting methods namelyobservation, interviews, and questionnaires. . Based on the results of the trialsconducted, it was concluded that the animated cartoon educational videos thathad been developed belonged to the valid category. Therefore, this animatedcartoon educational video media is valid and can be applied in learningactivities. The development of this animated cartoon educational video isexpected to be developed by developers who have ideas about the same mediaas well as being a reference.</p> Marliza Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:09:30 +0700 ARTS SERVICE IMPROVEMENT FOR STUDENT SELF DEVELOPMENT IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <p>This descriptive qualitative research is a fact that is revealed through the currenteducational phenomenon. Improving Arts Services for Self-DevelopmentParticipants at SDN 9 Tapaktuan, South Aceh District seeks to plan andorganize student self-development activities in the arts to obtain results that arein accordance with the wishes of the school and progress in the arts school atSDN 9, South Aceh District. The active role and cooperation of all schoolmembers in fostering students through extracurricular activities, especially inthe arts. Acehnese traditional dance is an integral part of Indonesia's culturalwealth. The aim of the research is to benefit the development of Acehnesetraditional dance in shaping character, creativity and love for local culture. Theimplementation of enhanced services includes introducing traditional dancemovements and elements, understanding dance philosophy, and creatingcollaborative dance works with a contemporary touch.</p> Ernawati, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:27:53 +0700 Effectiveness of Using CANVA Application as a Learning Media for Creative Products and Entrepreneurship <p>This article aims to describe the effectiveness of using Canva as a medium forlearning creative products and entrepreneurship in vocational high schools.Globalisation brings major changes in the order of life of society. Thesechanges are driven by the development of science and technology, which hasan impact on various sectors of life including education. The design of learningmedia at this time does not only utilise objects that can be found in everydaylife but also utilise the digital world. Canva is an application that can bedeveloped in the process of making learning media for creative products andentrepreneurship which really needs media as an introduction to informationfrom abstract learning material content. The Canva application provides avariety of interesting features that can facilitate teachers in making learningmedia, one of which is the availability of various templates that can be used inthe process of designing learning media, one of which is the subject of creativeproducts and entrepreneurship in vocational high schools. In theimplementation of this research, the literature review method is used, namelyby the process of laying, obtaining, reading, and evaluating various researchliterature related to or related to the issues to be studied. The data described arethe results of research on the effectiveness of using the Canva application thathas been carried out by previous researchers.</p> Vetta Darmi Yetti, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:30:07 +0700 UTILIZATION OF QUIZIZZ LEARNING MEDIA FOR BASIC EDUCATION LEVEL LEARNING IN HAPPY CITY <p>In essence, education is a basic right for every Indonesian citizen to beable to enjoy it. Education is a conscious effort made by humans in orderto develop their potential through the learning process. The existence ofthis very important education has been recognized and at the same timehas very strong legality as stated in the 1945 Constitution article 31 (1)which states that every citizen has the right to education. This researchwas conducted in class VI of Ujong Gunong Public Elementary School,Kota Happy District. The research was conducted for two weeks. Thesubjects of this study were 5 students in class VI at Ujong GunongPublic Elementary School, Kota Happy District. The first indicator thatresearchers use is compatibility with the goals to be achieved. Theteacher's perception of the media based on these indicators, the teacherfeels that the use of Quizizz as a learning medium is in accordance withthe learning objectives to be achieved. This is due to the use of Quizizzwhich can be set based on the learning objectives to be achieved. Forschools, especially teachers, it is necessary to carry out learninginnovations according to needs and continuously to improve the learningprocess as well as fostering the teaching profession, so that learningproblems can be resolved. The application of Quizizz educational gamebased learning media is only one alternative solution in improvingstudent learning outcomes, especially elementary school students.</p> Dian Erlita, Akmaluddin, Siti Mayang sari Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:31:38 +0700 EFFORTS TO IMPROVE ELEMENTARY STUDENTS' DIGITAL LITERACY THROUGH THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY-BASED LEARNING MEDIA <p>The purpose of this study is to explain efforts to increase digital literacy ofelementary students throughuse of technology-based learning media in socialstudies learning. The research method used a literature study approach. Sourcesof research data are secondary data by collecting research data from severaljournals that are relevant to the topic of discussion. The results of the studyshow that the IPS learning paradigm through the use of various technologybased learning media is carried out so that learning is relevant to the rapiddevelopment of technology. The use of instructional media in social studieslearning varies greatly according to the material delivered by the teacher andthe availability of adequate technological devices. Utilization of technologybased learning media is carried out as a teacher's effort in packaging socialstudies learning material to be more attractive so that the learning processbecomes more interactive and real, effective and efficient as well as fosteringstudent motivation so that it is easy to understand and student-centered learning.The use of technology-based learning media in the learning process contributesto improving elementary students' digital literacy skills. This happens becausethe teacher designs a learning process that involves elementary school studentsto directly use and practice technological devices.</p> Wirda Safitri, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:32:54 +0700 ROLE OF THE CLASS TEACHER IN COUNSELING SERVICES AT SD NEGERI TEUPIN BATEE ACEH TIMUR <p>This research departs from the background that guidance and counselingservices in elementary schools are still not optimally carried out by the school,so that students' problems are difficult to understand and overcome. Aiming todescribe the role of elementary school teachers in guidance and counselingservices, researchers used a qualitative research method with an essentialphenomenological design. The research subject was a class teacher at SDNegeri Teupin Batee Aceh Timur. Focusing on optimal teacher experience andawareness in the daily guidance and counseling process, this study concludesthat elementary schools do not have special guidance and counseling teachers,but this does not mean that counseling services are not implemented inelementary schools. However, it is the class teacher who contributes toproviding these guidance services supported by the principal and others. Theteacher plays a very important role in providing guidance and counselingservices to children, the teacher really has to understand each of his students sothat students get appropriate and targeted assistance.</p> Pipit Agustri Rahayu, Akmaluddin, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:34:00 +0700 ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION THAT INFLUENCES HOW VALUES AND CHARACTER ARE FORMED AT STATE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL (SMKN 1) TAPAKTUAN, SOUTH ACEH REGENCY <p>Artificial intelligence and character development in the field of education. Asubfield of computer science called artificial intelligence is focused on thecreation of artificial intelligence, thought patterns, and human-like behavior.Voice recognition, problem-solving, education, and planning are a fewexamples. The growth of intellect is significantly influenced by artificialintelligence (AI), a subset of the digital literacy system. The use of ai is one ofthe innovative efforts in learning media that are required in the field ofeducation. This study aims to enhance student learning while fostering moralsand virtues and assisting ai systems in their adaptation. The approach adoptedemploys experimental techniques to ascertain how student reactions andadaption.</p> Anhar, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:35:06 +0700 UTILIZING CANVA-BASED LEARNING VIDEOS TO INCREASE STUDENTS' INTEREST IN LEARNING ON PRE HISTORIC MATERIALS AT SMPN 4 MEUKEK ACEH SELATAN DISTRICT <p>In increasing student interest in learning in the teaching and learning process,it can be done in various ways, one of which is by using and utilizing the resultsof technology. One of the results of technology that is interesting and effectiveand easy to use is to use learning videos through the Canva application. Theresearch method in writing this research uses an approach, namely a qualitativedescriptive approach. The purpose of the study is to determine the use oflearning videos using Canva to increase students' interest in prehistoricmaterial. Video learning is a strategy or learning method to deliver content ormaterial using video media in the teaching and learning process. Canva is anapplication that is present in the crowded world of technology. This applicationis an online design program that provides a variety of tools includingpresentations, resumes, posters, pamphlets, brochures, graphics, infographics,banners, and other types available in the Canva application. Student interest inpre-historic material can be increased by utilizing learning videos. A cleardisplay and attractive visuals in learning videos will overcome boredom anddislike for complex material. The use of Canva as a tool to create learningvideos has been effective in increasing student interest in learning. The app'sease of use, with a large selection of templates and attractive design elements,can help teachers create engaging and high-quality learning content.</p> Resijan, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Syarfuni Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 14:44:06 +0700 COGNITIVE IMPROVEMENT OF STUDENTS IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS THROUGH THE PJBL MODEL <p>This study explores students' cognitive improvement in writing descriptivetexts through PjBL. The research was conducted by involving 50 students asresearch subjects. Data were collected through written tests before and after theimplementation of PjBL and questionnaires on student perceptions of learningthrough PjBL. The results showed a significant increase in students' ability towrite descriptive texts after participating in PjBL learning. Through concreteprojects involving students in gathering information, analyzing data, andcommunicating their findings in descriptive texts, students develop cognitiveskills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and better-organizinginformation. In addition, students also give positive perceptions of learningthrough PjBL. They feel engaged and motivated and enjoy interactive, projectbased learning experiences. This shows that PjBL can create a positive learningenvironment and increase student motivation and participation in learningactivities. This research has important implications for the development oflearning to write descriptive texts at SMPN 2 Peukan Bada. The PjBL modelcan be used as an effective alternative in improving student's writing skills andpromoting the cognitive skills needed in the writing process. Recommendationsfor further research are to involve a more comprehensive sample and conductcomparative studies with other learning methods to strengthen the findings ofthis study. Thus, this study makes a significant contribution. They understandthe importance of PjBL in improving students' cognitive writing in descriptivetexImplementing PjBL is expected to be an effective and innovative learningstrategy in improving students' writing skills, positively impacting the learningprocess at SMPN 2 Peukan Bada.</p> Rahimah, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Lili Kasmini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 14:48:11 +0700 LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL PRINCIPLES IN INCREASING STUDENTS' LEARNING MOTIVATION FOR ONLINE-BASED FINAL EXAMS AT SMP NEGERI 1 KOTA SIGLI <p>Principal leadership has an important role in increasing student motivation toface online-based final exams, because it greatly influences the progress ofstudents and schools, because the lack of motivation of students to prepare foronline-based final exams makes the achievements achieved by students of SMPNegeri 1 Sigli City often decreased. The purpose of this study was to determinethe principal's leadership in increasing student learning motivation in facingonline-based final exams, the principal's leadership strategy in increasingstudent learning motivation in facing online-based final exams and theconstraints of students' learning motivation in facing online-based exams. Thistype of research is descriptive qualitative research. Observation data collectiontechniques, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this study wereschool principals, teachers and students. The results showed that the principal'sleadership strategy in increasing students' learning motivation in facing onlinebased final exams was carried out by providing various learning facilities andinfrastructure, asking teachers to familiarize students with learning to answerprevious year's exam questions, providing special study hours online-basedexam methods and holding extra hours in the afternoon. Obstacles facingonline-based exams are the limited support facilities for online-based exams,the lack of student awareness and the lack of support from students' families</p> Hartini, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Muhammad Kaulan Karima Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 14:49:28 +0700 CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDENTS AT SMP NEGERI 1 LHOKNGA ACEH BESAR <p>This article made with objective give knowledge to readers aboutcharacteristics participant educate so you can maximizing learning, that is withunderstand each characteristic participant educate from intelligence and stylediverse learning. So that learning can walk with fluent that is with evenlyunderstanding diverse students characteristics. With so, understandingcharacteristics participant educate that alone is whole pattern do or capabilitiesparticipant educate as results from heredity and environment, so determineactivity in reach ambition or goal. Because of that characteristics participanteducate is one very important component in planning learning. Writing articlethis use method observation and study library, with see various source orreference like books and some reference other related about the same materialwith the article I made. With thus, goals learning can achieved without mustgive pressure to participant educate. On the side it, with exists teacher'sunderstanding of characteristics in self participant educate can grow feelingcomfortable for study at school.</p> Indrawati, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Fitriani Manurung Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 14:56:29 +0700 ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS' INTEREST IN LEARNING AND MOTIVATION LEARNING PHYSICS: A CASE STUDY AT SMAN 9 BANDA ACEH YEAR 2023/2024 <p>The case study aims to determine students' interest and motivation during thelearning process in physics subjects with material on rectilinear motion andstatic fluids. The population of this study were students in classes X and XI atSMAN 9 Banda Aceh for the 2023/2024 academic year. The selected researchsamples were students in classes X MIPA 2 and XI MIPA 4, totaling 20 and 29students respectively. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitativeapproach. Data collection was carried out through observing student activities,observing student responses, interviews, and documentation. Based on theresults of the case study that has been carried out, it is concluded that studentactivity in learning physics can be categorized as low with the percentage dataobtained for class X MIPA 2 being 42.78% and the percentage for class XIMIPA 4 being 50.56%. The physics learning process still uses conventionalmethods and the media used in the learning process is a whiteboard. The resultsof interviews with teachers stated that students were not enthusiastic and lazyin learning physics. This indicates that students have low interest andmotivation towards learning.</p> Miswatul Hasanah Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:01:30 +0700 USE OF SPELLING PUZZLES AS A MEDIA FOR LEARNING VOCABULARY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL STUDENTS <p>Vocabulary mastery is the initial stage in teaching elementary school studentsto understand basic Indonesian language mastery. Improving vocabularymastery in elementary school students can be done by using specific media, oneof which is the use of spelling puzzle media. This research aims to improvestudents' understanding of vocabulary through the use of spelling puzzle media.The type of research used in this research is the experimental method. Theresearch design will use one sample pretest-posttest researchdesign. The sampleused in this research was 20 grade 1 elementary school students. The results ofthe research show that there has been an increase in student learningcompleteness, where after implementing the posttest, student completeness was95%, after previously giving the pretest, the percentage of student completiononly reached 30%. This shows that the use of spelling puzzle media canincrease students' learning completeness related to elementary school levelstudents' vocabulary understanding in Indonesian language subject content.</p> Safrina Junita, Haris Munandar, Qharina Safitri Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:03:09 +0700 EVALUATION OF VOLLEYBALL SKILLS AMONG FEMALE STUDENTS OF STATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 RIKIT GAIB, GAYO LUES DISTRICT <p>Based on the observations the researchers made in January 2023 atSMA Negeri 1 Rikit Gaib, Gayo Lues Regency, the researchers foundseveral conditions related to volleyball extracurricular activities at theschool. The women's volleyball team for SMA Negeri 1 Rikit Gaib inrecent years has been one of the top teams in the championships heldby the Regional Government of Gayo Lues Regency where this teamhas always been the team that enters the semifinals. However, for thepast two years, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, the women'svolleyball team at SMA Negeri 1 Rikit Gaib has always had to admitdefeat to the opposing team in the preliminaries and was knocked outof the game. This study aims to find out how the ability to play volleyballfor female students at SMA Negeri 1 Rikit Gaib, Gayo Lues Regency.The population in this study were all female students at SMA Negeri 1Rikit Gaib, Gayo Lues Regency, participating in volleyballextracurricular activities in 2023, totaling 15 people. The sample in thisstudy was 15 students from SMA Negeri 1 Rikit Gaib, Gayo LuesRegency in 2023, which were taken using a total sampling approach.The data in this study were collected by means of tests andmeasurements of the basic skills of playing volleyball. The data analysistechnique used was carried out using simple statistical analysis techniques using the average and percentage approaches. The resultsof the study found that: 1) the average ability to serve volleyball in SMANegeri 1 Rikit Gaib was in the good category with an average score of25.4, 2) the average passing ability in volleyball at SMA Negeri 1 Rikitoccult is in the less category with an average value of lower passingability of 23, 3) the average passing ability of volleyball in SMA Negeri1 Rikit occult is in the very poor category with an average value ofupper passing ability of 13, and4) the average ability to smash volleyball at SMA Negeri1 Rikit Gaib is in the less category with an average scoreof upper passing ability of 25.</p> Lidia Anita Sari, Munzir, Munawar Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:06:43 +0700 APPLICATION OF THEMATIC LEARNING IN HANDLING BASIC EDUCATION PROBLEMS AT KB-TK ARRAHMAN ISLAMIC SCHOOL <p>Basic education plays a central role in forming character, knowledge andessential skills for children. KB-TK Arrahman Islamic School, as a primarylevel educational institution, is faced with various problems that demandinnovative solutions. The application of thematic learning has emerged as apromising alternative to overcome a number of challenges in the field of basiceducation. This approach, which integrates various subjects into a particulartheme, has the potential to provide holistic solutions to various complexproblems in the world of education. The implementation of thematic learningin this school not only has an impact on students' academic aspects but also onthe development of their character and spiritual values. The aim of this researchis to describe the application of thematics in dealing with basic educationproblems at KB-TK Arrahman Islamic School. This research uses descriptivequalitative methods. Based on the facts seen at the school, researchers observedthat the implementation of thematic learning at KB-TK Arrahman IslamicSchool brought positive contributions with a holistic, contextual and relevantapproach to students' lives. The integration of subjects in themes makes it easierto understand academic concepts and overcomes the weaknesses of thetraditional model. Students are encouraged to learn actively, creatively andcritically, while adapting to a diversity of characters and learning styles. Themeselection is based on academic relevance and Islamic values. The school isresponsive to changes in learning paradigms, utilizing technology withoutsacrificing Islamic values.</p> Jannati Abdullah, Siti Mayang Sari, fitria Manurung, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:08:14 +0700 DIAGNOSTICS OF LEARNING DIFFICULTIES OF GRADE 4 STUDENTS AT STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL 61 BANDA ACEH <p>Diagnostics of learning difficulties is one way that can be used to study andunderstand the problems experienced by students in teaching and learningactivities. This research aims to determine students' learning difficulties inschool subjects and the factors causing them. This research is included in thedescriptive research type using a quantitative approach. The population of thisstudy were students at State Elementary School 61 Banda Aceh consisting of164 people. Meanwhile, the research sample was 29 class IV students. The datacollection technique used was a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptivepercentage techniques. The research results show that; (1) The “Very Difficult”subject is Mathematics with a percentage of 44.82% (2) Lessons in the"Difficult" category are Pancasila Education with a percentage of 41.37%Religious Education is a "Not Difficult" subject with a percentage of 96.55%and PJOK is also considered "Not Difficult" because the percentage is 89.65%.The conclusion of this research is that every fourth grade student at SD Negeri61 Banda Aceh experiences learning difficulties, this is caused by internalfactors such as low interest in learning something. And external factors, namelythe learning methods used by teachers do not match the characteristics ofstudents.</p> Nola Fajria, Siti Mayang Sari, fitriani Manurung Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:10:25 +0700 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE TRADITIONAL GAME TUK TUK GENI IN STIMULATING THE SOCIAL EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN AGED 5-6 YEARS AT TK RAUDHATUL HUDA, KEDAI RUNDING SOUTH ACEH <p>Social-emotional skills are still lacking and still need improvement.These symptoms are evidenced by the presence of several children whoare not yet able to interact well with themselves and their environment,and children are also unable to work together, control their emotions, andhelp fellow friends. The aim of this research is to determine the effectivenessof the traditional game Tuk-Tuk Geni to improve the social emotionality ofchildren aged 5-6 years at TK Raudhatul Huda Kedai Runding South Aceh.This research uses a quantitative type of research with an experimental onegroup pre-test post-test design method. Sample of 15 children, data collectionwas carried out through observation and data was analyzed using statistics. Theresearch results found that the Tuk Tuk Geni game was very effective inimproving children's social and emotional well being. This is proven by theaverage value of the pre-test activity results obtained at 10.5 and the post-testobtained at 13. The results of this research indicate that the Tuk Tuk Geni gamecan improve children's social emotional development as intended by thehypothesis results ttabel dapat dihitung dengan kriteria pengambilan keputusannilai thitung -26.00 and the significant value (2-tailed) is ≤ 001 with the df valueobtained from 15-1=25, the value obtained ttabel that is 1,761. So it can beconcluded that the value thitung ≥ ttabel =(-35.546 ≥ 1,761) then H1 is accepted and Ho is rejected, so it can be concluded "there is significant effectiveness betweenthe Tuk Tuk Geni game in improving the social emotions of children aged 5-6years at TK Raudhatul Huda.</p> Liza Fidiawati, Kiki Safitri, Aprian Subhananto, Riza Oktariana, Fitriani Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:11:58 +0700 APPLYING LITERACY STRATEGIES IN LEARNING INTEGRATIVE THEMATIC IN STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL 14 BANDA ACEH <p>This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, namelyresearch based on phenomena observed by researchers in accordance withevents that occurred at State Primary School 14 Banda Aceh. Based on existingphenomena, the researcher concluded that the learning carried out by teachersat State Primary School 14 Banda Aceh did not fully use the independentcurriculum due to inadequate facilities and physical conditions so that theindependent curriculum was only implemented in classes I and IV. From theresults of the researcher's observations, it was found that the special strategiesused by teachers in the learning process had an effect on student literacy.Regarding this, teachers apply literacy strategies which are carried out everyTuesday to get used to reading in the school field. In addition, students arerequired to take part in reading activities in class before learning begins. Aftercarrying out the reading activity, the student representative comes forward infront of the other students to tell what he has read. This activity provides anincrease in students' reading literacy by enjoying reading. Students will alsoobtain some information from the books they have read. Based on the resultsof an interview with one of the teachers, namely a grade 5 teacher, that in orderfor thematic learning to run well, the teacher makes lesson plans that areadapted to several themes in one lesson. Apart from lesson plans, things thatneed to be considered so that thematic learning runs well are teaching materials,learning media, LKPD and other learning tools.</p> Aulia Maharani, Nur Alifa Illa, Ildha, Siti Mayang Sari, Lili Kasmini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:18:49 +0700 THE USE OF MEDIA BASED ON THE THEME OF SCHOOL HYGIENE IN 61 STATE PRIMARY SCHOOLS OF BANDA ACEH CITY <p>This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Namely researchbased on the phenomenon that occurred in one case at SD Negeri 61 BandaAceh. Based on the facts seen in the school that teachers still useold/conventional methods in the thematic learning process, thematic learningwhich integrates various subjects in one theme or topic, allows students tounderstand the relationship between concepts as a whole. Researchers observethe learning carried out by elementary school teachers Negeri 61 Banda Aceh,in fact, thematic learning really provides opportunities for teacher creativity inthe active learning process and can also facilitate the process of students'understanding and the learning process carried out by teachers at school.Through this research method, it will be explained transparently to produce theapplication of integrative thematic learning using a causal study. It is knownthat the curriculum used in this school is that some classes still use theindependent learning curriculum, namely only in classes 1 and 4, some still usethe old curriculum, namely K13, so that the learning process carried out is quitedifferent and not significant to the results obtained by students in integrativethematic learning.</p> Khairunnisa, Ika Ramasari, Jessica Astiana, zahratul Idami, Lindri Novia Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:26:18 +0700 LITERACY AND CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY THROUGH INTEGRATIVE THEMATIC LEARNING AT STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL KUTA BAKME BANDA ACEH <p>This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method,namely research based on phenomena that occurred in one case at SDNegeri Kuta Bakme. Based on the facts seen in these schools, teachersstill use old or potential methods in the learning process through literacy,because teachers in these schools rarely have digital competence. Theresearcher observed the learning carried out by Kuta Bakme StateElementary School teachers that 21st century learning through literacyreally provides opportunities for teacher creativity in the active learningprocess. Through this research method, it shows that digital competencemust be possessed by a teacher to present the latest content in learning21st century through literacy. Digital competency is a person's ability touse and understand information technology effectively, including skillsin using hardware, software, the internet, as well as the ability to search,evaluate and utilize information from various digital sources. .Digitalcompetence shows the use of information and communication technologybased on pedagogical principles by being aware of the consequences thatarise or occur because of something for education. Digital competencyincludes mastering information and communication, creating learningcontent, and solving educational problems.</p> Maharani, Tiara Nabila, Tamara Fitriyani, Yarda Safardin, Hamdani Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:34:24 +0700 THEMATIC LEARNING PROCESS BASED ON UPGRADE SCHOOL (UGS) IN SD NEGERI KUTA BAKMEE <p>This research uses qualitative research methods, namely researching based ondescriptive qualitative at SD Negeri Kuta Bakmee Based on the facts seen in the schoolthat teachers still use old/conventional methods in the thematic learning process .Researchers observed the learning carried out by teachers of SD Negeri Kuta Bakmeethat thematic learning provides opportunities for teacher creativity in the active learningprocess. Through this research method, it will be elaborated with a transcript to produceintegrative thematic learning changes. It is known that the curriculum used in the schoolis still partly in class using an independent learning curriculum so that the learningprocess carried out is quite different and insignificant with the results obtained bystudents in integrative thematic learning. In the ever-evolving world of education,upgrading schools is an important step to prepare students for an increasingly complexfuture. Changes that occurred at SD KUTA BAKMEE BANDA ACEH from the 2013curriculum with an independent curriculum to be creative by grouping themes in onelesson for example about zoos, in that theme there are already several subjects besidesIndonesian, namely Ipas, mathematics. Teachers also use media during the learningprocess to make students understand faster.</p> Tazkia, Quratul Thahirah, Zahraton syukriah, Miftah hulzanah, Ulfa khoirina, Danil Hamzah, Wahyuni, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:37:21 +0700 INCREASING STUDENT LEARNING ACTIVITIES THROUGH THEMATIC LEARNING IN GRADE 4 OF KUTA BAKMEE STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <p>Teachers have a major role in achieving educational goals and studentsuccess, especially in the context of formal learning at school. In an effort todevelop students' potential, teachers are expected to be able to create aninteresting and enjoyable learning atmosphere, using methods, strategies ormethods that activate students to learn. One learning model that can be appliedis thematic learning. This research aims to determine the increase in learningactivities and student learning outcomes through thematic learning in class 4 ofthe Kuta Bakmee State Elementary School. This research uses a descriptivequalitative research method, namely research based on phenomena observed byresearchers in accordance with events that occurred in class 4 of the KutaBakmee State Elementary School. The subjects of this research were classteachers along with several staff and also students who were in grade 4 at theKuta Bakmee State Elementary School, totaling 13 people. This research usesdirect observation techniques, interviews and documentation techniques as datacollection tools. Based on the results of observations and interviews with classteachers, results showed that there was an increase in student activity andlearning outcomes by using thematic learning. So it can be concluded thatthrough thematic learning it can improve learning activities and learningoutcomes for grade 4 students at Kuta Bakmee State Elementary School.</p> Rahmat Alfandi, Humaini, Herda Mutiara, Irhamni, Siti Mayang Sari, Lili Kasmini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:40:05 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATIVE THEMATIC LEARNING IN THE 2013 CURRICULUM THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM WAS INTEGRATED AT SDN 61 JEULINGKE BANDA ACEH <p>This research aims to describe the implementation of integrativethematic learning in the 2013 independent curriculum at SDN 6 JeulingkeBanda Aceh. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative whichdescribes the real conditions at the time of the research. The subjects of thisresearch were the principal, class I and IV teachers, as well as administrativestaff. Data collection techniques include interviews and documentation withseveral of these subjects. Researchers want to know the curriculumimplemented at SDN 61 Jeulingke Banda Aceh with integrative thematiclearning, what obstacles were found during implementation, as well as the roleof the school in making the independent curriculum a success. The researchresults show that the implementation of integrative thematic learning in the2013 curriculum has gone well in accordance with government policy. The newindependent curriculum has been implemented at SDN 61 Jeulingke BandaAceh for the last 3 months in grades I and IV. While implementing integrativethematic learning in the 2013 curriculum so far there have been no problemsbecause the teachers refer to guidelines in the form of books and syllabi.However, in this independent curriculum, SDN 61 Jeulingke Banda Aceh doesnot use integrative thematics because the learning is separated according to thetextbook the teacher receives, unlike the 2013 curriculum which combinesseveral materials into one theme.</p> Mariana Hardianti, Moh. Yudi Nursyaid, Abdul Hakim, Siti Mayang Sari, Lili Kasmini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:42:14 +0700 LEARNING MODELS AT SD 72 ALUE NAGA BANDA ACEH <p>This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, namelyresearch based on phenomena observed by researchers in accordance withevents that occurred at SD Negeri 72 Alue Naga Banda Aceh. Based on existingphenomena, research concludes that the learning models carried out by teachersat SD Negeri 72 Alue Naga Banda Aceh have all used learning models thatinclude the creation of new relationships, relationship dimensions, newknowledge, integrative thematics through content in class 4.5 , and 6. From theresults of research observations, it was found that SD Negeri 72 Banda Acehhas a special learning model in the learning process which influences thecharacter of the students. In this regard, teachers apply learning model strategiesin each high class according to the subject. which will be delivered. Studentactivities related to learning models can vary depending on the learning modelused. Some learning models commonly used in SD Negeri 72 schools includeinquiry, conceptual, problem-based learning, and project-based learningmodels. Student activities in these learning models can include searching andinvestigating things actively, working together in groups, developing newideas, being creative, thinking at a higher level, critically, practicing communication, sharing, being more open to socializing in the context ofproblem solving.</p> Citra Rifdah Zainiyah, Nurliah, Ahmad Hamzah, Siti Mayang sari, Lili Kasmini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:45:25 +0700 ANALYSIS OF SCIENCE PROCESS SKILL COMPONENTS IN NATURAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE BOOKS FOR CLASS V SEUNEUBOK JOHAN EAST ACEH PRIMARY SCHOOL <p>This research aims to analyze the components of science process skills innatural and social science books for class V at the Seuneubok Johan stateelementary school. The scientific approach (observing, asking, analyzing,concluding, communicating and creating) is part of the Science Process Skills.This research is researchdescriptive or descriptive research is research that aimsto describe a phenomenon or situation without manipulationobject study. Thestages in this research are selecting textbooks, taking and determining samples,analyzing the components of Science Process Skills in the books, and drawingconclusions. The results of this research are the skills componentsprocess In thenatural and social science books for class V of the Seuneubok Johan stateelementary school, East Aceh, there are still few components of science processskills, namely observing, communicating and asking questions. There are noanalyzing, concluding and creating components yet, so follow-up is needed insubsequent research, so that the science process skills components in naturaland social science books are optimal.</p> Nurmayani Daulai, Siti Mayang Sari, Munawar Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:57:26 +0700 Development of Fun Thinkers Book Media On Theme 9 subtheme 1 Wealth of Energy Sources in Energy Sources in Indonesia Class IV kuta pasie primary school <p>This research and development is motivated by students in class IV during theteaching and learning process in class, students still seem less interested inlearning as seen from their attention diverted such as chatting with friends,paying less attention to the teacher's explanation, students prefer to write,Teachers only use learning media such as whiteboards, student print books,without the presence of varied media. but the learning outcomes obtained areless than optimal and students also lack enthusiasm in learning. The purpose ofthis study was to produce fun thinkers book media and determine the level ofvalidation of fun thinker book media on the material of the wealth of energysources in Indonesia. The data collection techniques in this study wereobservation, validation, questionnaire, test (post-test and pre-test). The researchinstruments used in this study are validation sheets (media experts), validationsheets (material experts), validation sheets (linguists) questionnaires (teacherand student responses), test questions. The results of the development of funthinkers book media on the subtheme of the wealth of energy sources inIndonesia that have been developed in this study have very feasible results tobe used as teaching materials in the learning process. Based on the results ofproduct validation by validators obtained media expert validation 96% materialexpert validation 96% language expert validation 93% with the criteria "veryfeasible" While the data from the teacher's response obtained a score of 94%student response questionnaire 94% with the criteria "very feasible" and testresults 74% get the category "effective enough" to be used, student activities during learning activities, and student responses in learning are positive.Student learning outcomes after participating in learning using Fun thinkersbook media also increased.</p> Fitriani, Musdiani, lala Septiona, Riza Oktariana, Liza Fidiawati, Rossiana Br Ginting, Tengku Hartati, Syarifah Salsabila Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:59:08 +0700 APPLICATION OF TEAM GAMES TOURNAMENT (TGT) LEARNING MODEL TO STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES ON THREE-DIMENSIONAL MATERIAL <p>This study aims to determine the application of the team games tournament(TGT) learning model to the learning outcomes of students on threedimensional material. Students of grade XII MIPA 5 SMA Negeri 9 BandaAceh who were the sample of this study amounted to 29 people selected throughthe purpose sampling technique. The approach used in this study is aquantitative approach with pre-test and post-test research types Data collectiontechniques use tests, observation, and documentation. Through the IndependentSample Test output table, t is calculated |-13.453| &gt; 1.703 t table with sig. (2tailed) is 0.000 (p &lt; 0.005) so it is significant. It can be concluded that theapplication of the team games tournament (TGT) learning model can improvestudent learning outcomes on three-dimensional material.</p> Ahmad Nasriadi, Siti Zakia Fadhli, Ully Muzakir Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 16:00:26 +0700 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF VOCABULARY BETWEEN ACEHNESE AND MALAY PATANI LANGUAGE <p>The main objective of this study is the vocabulary comparison betweenthe Acehnese and Patani languages. The purpose of this study is to: (1)to find out the equal meaning of the same vocabulary between Acehneseand Melayu Patani language; and (2) know the similarity of vocabularywith different meanings between Acehnese and Melayu Patani language.Since this study aimed to describe the difference and the similarity ofmeaning between Acehnese and Melayu Patani language vocabulary, theauthors chose to use a descriptive qualitative method. The participants ofthis study were 2 students of Acehnese and a Patanian of EnglishEducation Program Study at Bina Bangsa Getsempena University. Thedata were collected through observation and a depth interview. Theresults of this study consisted of 53 comparison vocabularies thatcontained 41 equations between Malay Patani and Aceh languagevocabularies with the same meaning and 12 equations of Malay Pataniand Aceh language vocabularies with different meanings.</p> Yosua Septianda Gea, Zulvia Safriani, Irfan Sau, Rauzatul Jannah, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 16:01:38 +0700 CORRELATION JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT’S LEARNING MOTIVATION AND MATHEMATICS-CREATIVE THINKING ABILITY IN KABUPATEN ACEH BARAT <p>The research aims are as follows: describing the student's learning motivationand mathematics-creative thinking ability; testing their correlations; andcalculating the contribution percentage of the learning motivation to theincrease in the student’s mathematics-creative thinking ability. The total samplesize is 620 students from ten junior high schools. Data was collected by twomethods, as follows: a questionnaire and a test. There are sixteen questions inthe learning motivation questionnaire and one open-ended question on thestudent’s mathematics creative thinking ability test. The data is analysedquantitatively. The correlation between the learning motivation and thestudents’ mathematics-creative thinking ability was analysed by using PearsonProduct-Moment Correlation with ⍺ = 5% and N = 620. The research showedthat the learning motivation and five of the its indicators have positive andsignificant correlations and have contributed to the increase with a student’smathematics creativity ability and the three of its indicators.</p> Lili Handayani, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Jonni Sitorus Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 16:10:49 +0700 LACK OF STUDENT LEARNING CONCENTRATION ON CIVICS LEARNING IN CLASS I SAQU KHALIFAH AL MUNAWAWARAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ACEH BESAR <p>Active learning is learning that involves stimulus and response betweeneducators and students. In the learning process, learning concentrationabsolutely needs to be possessed by every student in the learning process, thisis because concentration has a big influence on student learning outcomes andthe goals of learning. Based on the facts that occurred in class 1 of SaQuKhalifah Al Munawwarah Elementary School, students' learning concentrationwas very low. The lack of concentration on students' learning in class 1 of SDSaQu Khalifah Al Munawwarah in the Civics learning process resulted in a lesseffective learning process. The aim of this research is to describe theimplementation and obstacles of students not paying attention to the teacher'sexplanations in class 1 of SD SaQu Khalifah Al Munawwarah. This researchuses a descriptive qualitative research method, namely research based on eventsthat occurred at SaQu Khalifah Al Munawwarah Elementary School, AcehBesar. Through this research method, it will be detailed clearly to create anactive learning process. The research results show that students' lack ofconcentration in learning is caused by the learning process taking place duringthe day and less active learning. So it can be concluded that the learning processthat occurs is less effective and even tends to be passive.</p> Raudhatul Muna, Siti Mayang Sari, Fitriani Manurung, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 16:16:27 +0700 FACTORS CAUSING THE LOW LITERACY CAPABILITY OF CLASS 5A STUDENTS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL NEGERI 22 BANDA ACEH <p>Literacy is very important for students in elementary schools in learning,because literacy skills influence students' learning success at school and willalso influence skills in students' daily lives. Low literacy skills can make itdifficult for students in the learning process. Researchers want to know whatfactors cause low literacy in class V at SDN 22 Banda Aceh. This research usesa qualitative descriptive method through the results of questionnaires,interviews and observations, carried out in the VA class of SDN 22 BandaAceh. Meanwhile, the research subjects were fifth grade elementary schoolstudents and parents of students in that class who were classified into threecategories, namely students who had high, medium and low Initial LiteracyAbility (KLA). The research results found that the factors causing students' lowliteracy skills were: (1) the socio-economic situation of the family; (2)communication and guidance for children at an early age; (3) communicationand tutoring during school; (4) reading book facilities/collections at home; (5)cellphone, computer, television facilities; (6) gender; (7) relationships betweenfamily, school and community; and (8) use of strategies/models in learning toread. Based on these findings, it can be recommended: (1) fulfillment of literacysupport infrastructure, (2) intensive guidance, especially in reading activities athome, (3) use of reading learning models in the learning process in elementaryschools.</p> Katrunnada, Siti Mayang Sari, Fitriani Manurung Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 10:02:57 +0700 MEDIA BASED ON STUDENT PARTICIPATION IN LEARNING <p>This research aims to explore the steps in developing an effective learningsystem design model. The method that is often used is the qualitativeexperimental method, namely a research method that aims to explain andpredict what will happen to a variable if it is given certain treatment to othervariables. The learning system guarantees learning activities by formulatingclass-oriented teaching and learning activities that emphasize the good use oftechnology and media to create active and meaningful learning for students.The purpose of writing this article is to explain the stages in the sure learningdesign model. The methods and media used in data collection focus onemphasizing teaching to students. The research results showed that the stagesin the email learning system design model consisted of 6 (six) steps, namely:Analyzing Students, Stating Goals, Selecting Methods, Media and Materials,Utilizing Media and Materials, Requiring Student Participation, Evaluating andRevising.</p> Juwita, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 10:04:10 +0700 APPLYING VIDIO-BASED LEARNING AS A TEACHER'S CHALLENGE IN THE SOCIETY 4.0 ERA <p>This study aims to explain teachers' challenges in applying video-basedlearning in the era of society 4.0. This research uses descriptive qualitativeresearch methods with the type of research being a literature study. Based onthe research results, it can be seen that video-based learning in the era of society4.0 is a challenge for teachers, especially at the elementary school level. Thesechallenges include limited knowledge about technology and the lack ofsupporting facilities in schools. Another challenge is a change in roles and skillswhere teachers must adapt themselves to become learning facilitators andmaster the use of technology. There are gaps in technology and accessibility,changes in curriculum and learning and changes in evaluation and assessment.</p> Emilia Dahlan, Siti Mayang Sari, Lili Kasmini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 10:06:14 +0700 OBSTACLES IN IMPLEMENTING INNOVATIVE LEARNING METHODS AT SDN 8 SUBULUSSALAM <p>Education is the main foundation for a country's development, and to improvethe quality of education, the use of innovative learning methods is a must.However, obstacles arise in its implementation, including limited supportinginfrastructure, limited skills and knowledge of teaching staff, and limitedavailability of learning resources. The main obstacles involve limitedinfrastructure, training needs for teaching staff, availability of learningresources that support innovation, resistance from stakeholders, and uniquelocal cultural contexts. This research aims to describe the obstacles inimplementing innovative learning methods at SDN 8 Subulussalam. Thisresearch uses a qualitative approach, descriptive research type. Based on theresearch results, it can be concluded that SDN 8 Subulussalam faces significantchallenges in implementing innovative learning methods. These obstaclesinclude limited infrastructure, limited skills and knowledge of teaching staff, aswell as limited availability of learning resources. Efforts to overcome theselimitations involve improving facilities with support from related parties andeffective budget management strategies. Empowering teachers is a priority, byproviding regular training and coaching.</p> Hermalinda, Siti Mayang Sari, Fitriani Manurung, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 10:08:43 +0700 DIAGNOSTICS OF LEARNING DIFFICULTIES OF GRADE 4 STUDENTS AT STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL 61 BANDA ACEH <p>Diagnostics of learning difficulties is one way that can be used to study andunderstand the problems experienced by students in teaching and learningactivities. This research aims to determine students' learning difficulties inschool subjects and the factors causing them. This research is included in thedescriptive research type using a quantitative approach. The population of thisstudy were students at State Elementary School 61 Banda Aceh consisting of164 people. Meanwhile, the research sample was 29 class IV students. The datacollection technique used was a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptivepercentage techniques. The research results show that; (1) The “Very Difficult”subject is Mathematics with a percentage of 44.82% (2) Lessons in the"Difficult" category are Pancasila Education with a percentage of 41.37%Religious Education is a "Not Difficult" subject with a percentage of 96.55%and PJOK is also considered "Not Difficult" because the percentage is 89.65%.The conclusion of this research is that every fourth grade student at SD Negeri61 Banda Aceh experiences learning difficulties, this is caused by internalfactors such as low interest in learning something. And external factors, namelythe learning methods used by teachers do not match the characteristics ofstudents.</p> Nola Fajria, Siti Mayang Sari, Fitriani Manurung, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 10:09:31 +0700 THE ROLE OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN IMPROVING STUDENTS LEARNING DISCIPLINE AT SDN 7 LINGE CENTRAL ACEH <p>Character education and learning discipline are integral aspects in thecontext of basic education, having an important role in shaping the characterand quality of students. Both are not just elements of formal education, but formthe foundation for the formation of individuals with integrity and character.Character education and learning discipline complement each other, creating aholistic learning environment that has a positive impact on the development ofstudents in the increasingly complex era of modern education. This researchaims to describe the role of character education in improving students' learningdiscipline. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. Based on theresults of research that has been conducted, SDN 7 Linge applies acomprehensive approach in integrating character education into the curriculum.This approach involves character values as an integral part of education, notjust as a separate lesson. Character education at SDN 7 Linge shows thatcharacter development is not a separate goal from formal education, but is aninseparable part. By creating a learning environment that supports charactervalues, this school aims to form students who are academically intelligent andhave strong character, are ethical and responsible in society.</p> siti Rosnawati, Siti Mayang Sari, Fitriani Manurung, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 10:10:46 +0700 DESIGNING DISTANCE LEARNING FOR GROUP THEORY COURSES TO IMPROVE THE 21ST-CENTURY PROFICIENCY OF PROSPECTIVE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS <p>This study aimed to produce a distance learning design for the Group Theorycourse to improve the 4C skills of prospective mathematics teachers. Thisresearch is included in Research and Development (R&amp;D), which consists ofthree stages, namely: (1) a preliminary study, (2) development studies, and (3)product effectiveness tests. The research results show that the distance learningdesign developed is feasible and effective for the learning process. Tests Theresearch results are grouped into two parts: (1) tests for aspects of problemsolving and critical thinking skills and (2) non-tests to assess creativity andinnovation, communication, and collaboration. Regarding critical thinkingskills, there are differences in students' critical thinking in distance learningdesigns and group learning theory. However, for problem-solving skills,student problem-solving is the same as distance learning designs in grouptheory learning subjects. For the results of the questionnaire data analysis, it isknown that the indicators for achieving creativity and innovation,communication, and collaboration are above 50%. This shows that the distancelearning design of the Group Theory course has succeeded in increasing theskills of prospective 21st-century mathematics teachers.</p> Mik Salmina, Fitriati, Ahmad Nasriadi Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 11:21:41 +0700 EMOTIONAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHERS AND STUDENTS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEGERI 3 BANDA ACEH CITY <p>Teachers are unsung heroes in educating and imparting knowledge to their students responsibly and<br>sincerely. Teachers also guide and always provide motivation to their students. The teacher is the<br>second parent who is responsible for the learners while in school. Teachers should be role models and<br>examples inside and outside the school. Based on facts seen in SD Neg 3 Banda Aceh, teachers<br>always make themselves parents for their students. This study aims to investigate teacher strategies in<br>building emotional connections between teachers and students in Sd Neg 3 Banda Aceh City. In this<br>study using qualitative methods by conducting class observations, interviews and documentation. The<br>results showed that by the way teachers recognize and help their students effectively can help teachers<br>in building positive relationships with their students. From the findings described above, it can be<br>concluded that the formation of an emotional connection between teachers and students at SD Neg 3<br>Banda Aceh City has a very positive impact so that it makes didk participants and teachers in the<br>teaching and learning process can be well established and the results of these students get satisfactory<br>final results.</p> Rita Yusari , Siti Mayang Sari, Sariakin, Fitriani Manurung, Mhd. Syafii Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 11:24:37 +0700 OBSTACLES FACED BY TEACHERS IN SHAPING STUDENT CHARACTER VALUES AT SD NEGERI 16 BANDA ACEH <p>The aim of this research is to find out the obstacles faced by teachers in<br>forming the character of students and to find out the efforts made by teachers<br>in forming the character of students. This research uses qualitative research<br>methods with a qualitative descriptive design. This research was carried out<br>on the basis of a phenomenon that occurred in one case at SD Negeri 16<br>Banda Aceh. Researchers found several students&amp;#39; behavior that did not reflect<br>the character values within the students. Researchers suspect that the decline<br>in character values among students at these schools is due to the formation of<br>character values which is still not comprehensive, as well as the existence of<br>various factors experienced by students, which can influence the formation of<br>their character values. This research describes how teachers make efforts to<br>shape students&amp;#39; character values and what obstacles teachers face in forming<br>students&amp;#39; character values. Data was collected through observation, interviews<br>and documentation. The results of the research show that the obstacles faced<br>by teachers in forming students&amp;#39; character values are: 1) the school<br>environment and school facilities and infrastructure that are less supportive; 2)<br>environmental factors (family and community environment); 3) lack of<br>teacher role models. Meanwhile, the teacher&amp;#39;s efforts in forming students&amp;#39;<br>character values are: a) religious character b) honest character c) disciplined<br>character.</p> Putri Lara Maulida, Siti Mayang Sari, Fitriani Manurung, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 11:45:34 +0700 APPLICATION OF THE SAS METHOD USING SONG MEDIA IN IMPROVING THE BEGINNING READING ABILITY OF CLASS II STUDENTS OF STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL COT KUTA <p>The research, entitled &amp;quot;Application of the SAS Method with Song Media in<br>Improving Beginning Reading Ability of Class II Students of SDN Cot Kuta&amp;quot;,<br>aims to determine the activities of teachers and students in the application of<br>the SAS method with Song Media as well as improving students&amp;#39; reading<br>comprehension skills through the application of the SAS method with song<br>media. in class II SDN Cot Kuta. This study uses a qualitative approach and<br>the type of PTK research. Subjects in the study of class II students were 22.<br>Data collection techniques were carried out using observation sheets and tests.<br>Data analysis uses the frequency distribution formula. Based on the results of<br>the study it can be seen that the teacher&amp;#39;s activities in the process of managing<br>learning in cycle I by applying the SAS method and song media achieved a<br>percentage value of 73.75% in the good category. In cycle II it increased to<br>85.52% with a very good category. Student activities in the learning process<br>in cycle I by applying the SAS method and song media achieved a percentage<br>value of 70% in the good category. In cycle II it increased to 94.44% with a<br>very good category. Students&amp;#39; initial reading ability in cycle I was 64%, in<br>cycle II it rose to 86%. So it can be concluded that improving students&amp;#39; initial<br>reading skills through the SAS method and song media can improve their<br>initial reading skills.</p> Eli Yusnita, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 15:01:10 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTIMEDIA-BASED LEARNING MEDIA TO STIMULATE THE ABILITY TO RECOGNIZE GEOMETRY CONCEPTS IN KINDERGARTEN FKIP UNSYIAH <p>Introducing geometric shapes in early childhood is the ability of children to <br>recognize, point, mention and collect objects around based on geometric <br>shapes by using geometry game applications on android. Introducing geometric <br>shapes in early childhood starts from building geometric concepts, namely by <br>identifying the characteristics of geometric shapes. Before identifying <br>geometric shapes, in children's cognitive development according to Bloom's <br>theory there are six levels of processes in thinking, including knowing, <br>understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. The purpose that <br>will be carried out in this study is at the level of the ability to know, recognize, <br>and apply with geometry game applications that have been downloaded on <br>the playstore on Android. In this study, researchers wanted to see how <br>children's knowledge about recognizing geometric shapes and how to improve <br>the ability to recognize geometric shapes in children</p> Rossiana Br Ginting, Diana , Helnita, Satria Prayudi Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 15:09:21 +0700 LEARNING OUTCOMES OF SCIENCE SUBJECTS FOR BOARDING SCHOOL AND NON-BOARDING SCHOOL CLASS VIII STUDENTS (COMPARATIVE STUDY OF STUDENTS OF ULUMUL QUR'AN PLUS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND SMP NEGERI 2 TAPAK TUAN) <p>Boarding school and non-boarding school system policies affect the potential for learning time for students who are boarded (boarded) to be more. This study aims to determine the comparison of science learning outcomes in class VIII students of Boarding Schools and Non-Boarding Schools. This research uses a quantitative approach with a comparative research type. The samples in this study were 26 students in class VIII B at SMP Plus Ulumul Qur'an and 26 students in class VIII B at SMP N 2 Tapak Tuan. Data collection techniques in the form of documentation of the raw value of learning outcomes. Data analysis techniques using the normality test and t test. The results showed that there was a comparison of science learning outcomes for boarding school and nonboarding school students. Where the lowest science learning outcomes for Boarding School students was 20 and the highest score obtained by students was 84. Where only 4 students met the KKM criteria, while the other students had not been able to complete their learning outcomes. While the lowest nonboarding school student learning outcomes were 44 and the highest scores obtained by students were 88. Where 12 students met the KKM criteria, while <br>the other students had not been able to complete their learning outcomes.</p> Abu Bakar, Akmaluddin, Siti Mayang Sari, Munawar Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 15:12:59 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN PROMOTING SCHOOLS IN STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS 1 LABUHANHAJI ACEH SELATAN <p>The school management information system implemented by Labuhanhaji 1 Public Middle School was challenged after a government program to establish several other schools in Labuhanhaji, so the school carried out promotions to attract public interest to be willing to send their children to school. This study aims to determine the planning carried out in promoting schools, the implementation of management information systems in promoting schools, the supporting factors and obstacles to implementing management information systems in promoting schools. This type of research is field research, which is descriptive qualitative. Data collection is done by observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were school principals, teachers, school administrators, student affairs teachers, student council members and students. The results of the study show that in promoting schools the school makes good planning in terms of the content of the information message conveyed, the facilities and infrastructure used, the structure of the party conveying the information, the target of the information, the location and purpose. Implementation of management information systems in promoting schools is carried out in several ways, namely utilizing social media, utilizing print media and holding outreach and seminars. Factors supporting the development of information and communication technology in the form of online media, social media and so on. The obstacle to the implementation of management information systems in promoting schools is the minimal level of human resources for members, especially in the dissemination of information and the limited facilities and infrastructure that can be used in conveying information</p> Feri Yuliarman, Akmaluddin, Siti Mayang Sari, Mhd. Syafii Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 15:13:54 +0700 ENVIRONMENT BASED EDUCATION AS A PROCESS FORMATION OF CHILD CHARACTER <p>This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by looking at the phenomenon of problems in education today. Children's education as an initial level is the formation of character in each individual. Good guidance is needed in real life as a character builder in children. Learning in children will greatly affect the personality of individuals as adults. This study aims to find out how the form of character that should be instilled in children so they don't fall into an environment that is prone to violence. This research will produce school rules and regulations as a friendly school and make children later have good character and personality. Based on the formation of children's character, the provision of educators will be able to realize child-friendly schools according to existing standards, must comply with the protection of violence against children and give students the freedom to express themselves under school supervision. Fulfillment of facilities and infrastructure to support the teaching and learning process is fulfilled. Basically, facilities and infrastructure really help children in their environment, both social and individual in developing their interests and talents, which must be fulfilled, such as properties that will be used in the teaching and learning process. It can be concluded that a child will have a personality or character influenced by the education he receives. The formation of children's character comes from education and teacher guidance to protect children in the event of violence that occurs.</p> Tihazanah, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Lili Kasmin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 15:51:33 +0700 TEACHING LISTENING SKILL TO FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SD NEGERI GEUMPANG KABUPATEN PIDIE BY WATCHING YOUTUBE CHANNEL PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY <p>The goal of this study is to determine whether students in SD Negeri Geumpang's fifth grade who receive listening instruction via YouTube Channel Practical Psychology do better than those who receive listening instruction without it. In the case of the experiment research method, quantitative research is used to conduct this study. The research's design is a pre-experiment with one group that underwent pre- and posttesting. One class is used in this arrangement, and pre- and post-tests are administered before and after treatment. The purpose of this treatment is to test the effects of a certain treatment. The kids of SD Negeri Geumpang's fifth grade during the academic year 2022/2023 make up the study's population. 28 students make up the entire student body, which is divided into one class. Only 28 pupils in the fifth grade are used in this study's sample because there are so few of them. N-Gain Score was used to analyze the data that was obtained. The study's findings indicate that fifth-grade students at SD Negeri Geumpang perform better when listening skills are taught via YouTube Channel Practical Psychology than when listening skills are taught without it. This is supported by It is demonstrated by the N-Gain score calculation result, which is 0.58. Utilizing the Practical Psychology YouTube channel to teach listening skills is not sufficient or effective enough.</p> Ayu Azizah, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Rita Novita Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:02:51 +0700 THE USE OF YOUTUBE CHANNEL PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY AS MEDIA IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SD NEGERI BANGKEH KABUPATEN PIDIE <p>The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not using the YouTube channel Practical Psychology to help sixth-grade pupils learn vocabulary is helpful. In the instance of the experiment research approach, quantitative research is used in this study. The research's design is a pre-experiment with one group that underwent pre- and post-testing. One class is used in this arrangement, and pre- and post-tests are administered before and after treatment. The purpose of this treatment is to test the effects of a certain treatment. The pupils of SD Negeri Bangkeh's sixth grade during the academic year 2022/2023 make up the study's population. There are 25 pupils in all, all of them were in the same class. Only 25 kids were enrolled in the sixth grade, thus that group was chosen as the sample group for this study. N-Gain Score was used to analyze the data that was obtained. According to the study's findings, the sixth-grade pupils' proficiency with vocabulary can be improved by using the YouTube channel Practical Psychology. This is supported by It is demonstrated by the N-Gain score calculation result, which is 0.58. The use of the Practical Psychology YouTube channel to teach listening skills is sufficient/effective enough.</p> Yuny Jafriany, Siti Mayang, Akmaluddin, Zahraini Zainal Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:06:26 +0700 UNDERSTANDING THE PRINCIPLES OF DIFFERENTIATE LEARNING: OPTIMIZING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY STUDENT IN CLASS <p>There are differences in each individual student, so different learning is needed to meet different learning needs. The purpose of this study is to explain differentiation learning in optimizing students' potential. This study uses the historical research method with data sources in the form of research journals that have been published and have relevance to the title of this article. Literature study data collection techniques by searching online related to relevant journals. Data analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. Differentiated learning is an attempt to condition the learning process in the classroom so that it meets the individual learning needs of each student. The teacher must adapt the needs of students to the learning process. There are three strategies for implementing differentiated learning, namely content differentiation, process differentiation and product differentiation. These three strategies must be adapted to aspects of learning readiness, interests and student learning profiles. The application of differentiated learning results in an increase in student learning activities, both activeness and the level of student participation during the learning process. Some of the obstacles to the implementation of differentiated learning are when grouping students according to learning interests, profiles and learning readiness, the application of content differentiation in learning, and in the assessment process, and time management in the learning product projects that are made</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ernati, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Lili Kasmini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:07:34 +0700 THE IMPACT OF USING CANVA AS MEDIA IN TEACHING NATURAL SCIENCE FIELD TO THE FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SD NEGERI PUCOK LUPU KABUPATEN PIDIE <p>This research aims to find out if there is a significance difference between the students who are taught science natural field by using canva and the students who are taught science natural field without using canva. This research is conducted by using quantitative research. The design used in this research is quasi experiment. In this design, experimental group is given treatment meanwhile control group is not given treatment. This treatment is made for experiment to determine the effects of a given treatment. The population of this study is the fifth-grade students of SD Negeri Pucok Lupu in academic year 2022/2023. The total population is 52 students who were composed of two classes; class VA and class VB . Since there were only two classes of the fifth-grade students thus they were taken as the sample of this research and the students of class VB as experiment group meanwhile the students of class VA as control group. The data gotten were analyzed by using Mann-Whitney test. The result of Mann-Whitney test shows that Sig. (2-tailed) value of Mann-Whitney U test is 0.000. It means teaching natural science field to the fifth-grade students of SD Negeri Pucok Pulu by applying canva as media is successful to increase the students’ ability in mastering the subject.</p> Salminawati, Siti Mayang, Akmaluddin, Mhd Syafii Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:09:12 +0700 THE IMPACT OF USING ICT IN TEACHING SOCIAL SCIENCE FIELD TO THE FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SD NEGERI KEUNE KABUPATEN PIDIE <p>This study aims to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference between students who get social science field instruction using ICT and those who receive science natural field instruction without using ICT. Quantitative research is used in the conduct of this study. This study's methodology is a quasi-experiment. This design treats the experimental group while doing nothing for the control group. The purpose of this treatment is to test the effects of a certain treatment. The pupils at SD Negeri Keune in fifth grade during the academic year 2022–2023 make up the population of this study. There are 48 students in total, divided into the courses V1 and V2, which total 48. Since there were only two fifth grade classes, those pupils were used as the sample for this study, with class V2 students serving as the experiment group and class V1 children serving as the control group. Each cohort included 24 pupils. The Mann-Whitney test was used to examine the obtained data. The Mann-Whitney test result reveals that the Mann-Whitney U test's Sig. (2-tailed) value is 0.000. It indicates that using ICT to teach social science to SD Negeri Pucok Pulu fifth graders has been successful in enhancing the students' capacity to master the subject.</p> Andayani, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Rahmattullah Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:10:25 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF CANVA IN SCIENCE STUDY AT UJONG PULO CUTSTATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ININDUSTRY REVOLUTION ERA 4.0 <p>In the application of Canva to science subjects in elementary schools and during the 4.0 industrial revolution, this was very continuous or related because during the 4.0 industrial reform era, technology was more prioritized. To achieve a science learning goal in elementary school, we need to use technology in the form of the Canva application in making learning media. In science learning, the Canva application is referred to as the parent or auxiliary tool for those in grade 5, such as those relating to humans, animals and inanimate objects. are around our environment. This data is obtained through qualitative research where data is obtained by direct observation or the opinions of several people who play an important role in educational institutions. And we can use the results of this research as a basis or example which will refer to what the benefits of applying Canva to science subjects in elementary schools during the industrial reform 4.0 period</p> Heri Salmita, Akmaluddin, Siti Mayang Sari, Musdiani Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:12:15 +0700 CHARACTER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS <p>Character education is a system of very important values that must be applied in everyday life, starting from within the family, school, community and country so that they can make a positive contribution to their environment. The era of globalization has had both positive and negative impacts on everyone's lives, including those in the family. In the era of globalization, the family has a big role in shaping the character of children because all the time children have is with the family. Character education is developed through the stages of knowledge (knowing), implementation (acting), and habits (habit). Character education is not limited to knowledge, but reaches into the realm of emotions as well as self-habits.</p> Zulaikha, Akmaluddin, Siti Mayang Sari, Munawar Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:14:16 +0700 THE IMPORTANCE OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHILDREN IN A DIGITAL AGE <p>Character education is an attempt to apply religious, moral, ethical values to students through science, assisted by parents, teachers, and society which is very important in the formation and development of students' character. Every child has good potential from birth, but this potential must continue to be honed and socialized properly so that the character of each child is formed and develops optimally. In this all-digital era, children can easily use digital media. The digital age, which not only has positive impacts, but also negative impacts, is a task for educators, parents and adult society in guiding and monitoring what children do with their digital media, so that children are able to make the best use of their digital media and get the maximum benefits. both for himself and his life.</p> Aminan, Akmaluddin, Siti Mayang Sari, Muhammad Kaulan Karima Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:16:09 +0700 EFFORTS TO IMPROVE TEACHER COMPETENCE IN MEDIA DEVELOPMENTLEARNING APPLICATION BASED CANVA VIA ACTIVITY KKG MINI <p>This study emphasizes increasing teacher competency in media development canva-based learning with the implementation of Mini KKG activities at SDN 2 Tijue. Study This is Study Action School (PTS) with four step tree, that is: action planning, action implementation, observation and reflection. The research subjects were 10 Class teacher at SDN 2 Tijue . Data collection techniques using observation and documentation techniques. Deep data analysis method study This use analysis data qualitative. Based on results study can conclusion that implementation of the Mini KKG proven capableincreasing teacher competence in developing Canva-based learning media. Matter this is evidenced by the increase in the results of the competency assessment of teachers at SDN 2 Tijue in development media learning based canvas in where on condition beginningthe average value is 45.60 and is included in the Less (K) category, increasing in the first cycle with average mark 70,47 And enter in category Enough © And on cycle second with average mark91.58 and included in the Good category (B). As for increasing the competence of teachers at SDN 2 Tijue in developing Canva-based learning media individually in the initial conditions there were no teachers who were declared complete, in the first cycle 10 teachers or 91.58%stated complete And on cycle second 10 teachers or 100% declared complete.</p> Noralita, Akmaluddin, Siti Mayang Sari, syarfuni Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:17:31 +0700 ANALYSIS OF DIFFICULTY LEVEL AND DIFFERENT POWER OF PROBLEMS IN CLASS VIII SOCIAL STUDIES SMP NEGERI 1 KLUET UTARA <p>The research entitled "Analysis of Difficulty Level and Differentiation of Class VIII IPS Subject Questions at SMP N 1 Kluet Utara" aims to analyze the level of difficulty of the questions and the differentiating power of questions in Social Studies subject in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The research used a quantitative approach, using descriptive methods. The population in this study were all students of class VIII who took the even semester test. While the sample is class VIII-2 students consisting of 34 students. To collect data, documentation and data analysis techniques were used using the formula P=N_P/N to find the difficulty level of the questions and the formula DP = (RH-RL)/(0.5 N) to calculate discriminatory power. Based on the results of the analysis of the questions made by the social studies teacher for class VIII-2, when viewed from the level of difficulty, the item items are classified as moderate or sufficient. It can be seen that of the 40 items there are 3 (7.5%) items classified as difficult, 24 (60%) items classified as moderate and 13 (32.5%) classified as easy. Meanwhile, when viewed from the difference power of the questions, it can be categorized as sufficient (moderate). This can also be seen from the results of the analysis of 40 items, showing 10 (25%) belonging to the bad category, 17 (42.5%) and questions including the sufficient category, 12 (30%) being in the good category and only 1 (2.5%) question that belong to the very good category.</p> MuhasBaili, Akmaluddin, Siti Mayang Sari, Mhd. Syafii Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:18:23 +0700 CLINICAL SUPERVISION TO IMPROVE TEACHER COMPETENCE IN LEARNING ACTIVITIES AT SMA NEGERI 1 TAPAKTUAN <p>This study aim to increase teacher competence in carry out activity learning at SMAN 1 Tapaktuan . This study is school action research. Subject the study were teachers of SMAN 1 Tapaktuan who underwent clinical supervision as many as 8 teachers. Instrument study use questionnaire, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using analysis descriptive qualitative and analysis quantitative. Research results show that clinical supervision capable to increase teacher competence in carry out activity in doing learning process, create lesson plan learning, competency of managing class , as well implementation evaluation and assessment results learning . Based on results study obtained as much as 87.5% get grade Good (B) or as many as 7 teachers</p> Afnidar, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Fitriani Manurung Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Thu, 25 Jan 2024 16:48:15 +0700 VIDEO MEDIA-BASED LEARNING MODEL ON ECOSYSTEM SCIENCE MATERIAL FOR GRADE V STUDENTS IN SDN BEUTONG <p>The text discusses the challenges faced by educators in improving learning success, particularly in the field of science at SDN Beutong. Science education is crucial as it relates to everyday life and understanding the universe. To optimize the learning process, it is important for teachers to use effective teaching methods that allow students to efficiently learn and achieve desired results. One way to improve science learning is by incorporating video media, specifically in teaching about ecosystems. Video media helps to engage students, encourage critical thinking, and increase the effectiveness of learning. The article aims to describe the video media-based learning model used in teaching science ecosystem material to fifth-grade students at SDN Beutong. The study utilized a descriptive qualitative method, with researchers observing the learning process through direct observation without active participation. The research findings indicated that the use of an animated video-based simulation model improved student learning outcomes in ecosystem learning at SDN Beutong.</p> Nurmiati, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Munawar Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Thu, 25 Jan 2024 16:49:28 +0700 THE ADVANTAGES OF THE CANVA APPLICATION IN ENGLISH LEARNING AT HIGH SCHOOL <p>The quality of learning depends greatly on the teachers' quality and teaching media materials used especially in English language learning. A teacher should be able to create a pleasant atmosphere in the teaching learning process. In learning English teachers are required to adapt to technology so that learning is more attractive to students’ interest in learning. One way to create a fun learning atmosphere in learning English is by developing a video learning through the Canva application. Canva is an application that can be used in the process of creating learning media. However, there are still many teachers who are unable to operate various features of technology especially Canva. This study aimed to display an information about the advantage of Canva application in learning English. This study used a qualitative method with the library research approach to collect the data. The data were taken from two previous studies which investigating the benefit of Canva Application. The result of the study shows that Canva Application contributes in a positive way in helping to create English Language Learning materials. It is expected that English teachers to be able to develop video-based learning media because it greatly helps the clarity of the material and attracts interest for students in learning English</p> Sri Nastuti, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Thu, 25 Jan 2024 16:50:35 +0700 DEVELOPMENT OF CANVA-BASED INTERACTIVE LEARNING MEDIA IN CLASS VIII SCIENCE SUBJECTS HUMAN BLOOD CIRCULATION SYSTEM <p>IPA is a science group that explains natural phenomena, living things, systems in the body which are rather difficult to understand without using interactive media. The circulatory system in humans is one of the interesting subject matter for science class VIII which is interesting but difficult for students to understand because it involves the internal mechanisms that exist in the human body. One of the supporting factors in efforts to increase students' understanding of the material being taught is to use appropriate media and in accordance with the subject matter being taught. This research was conducted at SMPN 2 Sawang. The ultimate goal of this research is to produce Canva-based interactive learning media. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with qualitative and quantitative data analysis, data collection techniques by interviews, questionnaires and observation. The development of Canva-based interactive media uses the 3 stages of the IDI model, namely define is carried out by distributing questionnaires and interviews with students and educators to get a complete picture of the situation in the field. the develop stage is designing interactive learning media based on Canva using then validation by experts (validators), and the evaluation stage aims to find out the benefits, convenience, and time efficiency of using media by teachers and students. The validity value is 95.2% with very feasible criteria, practicality by the teacher is 95.8% with very feasible criteria and 97.19% students with very feasible criteria. The results of the study show that Canva-based learning media is valid and practical for learning</p> Kusmaniar, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Mardhatillah Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 09:59:01 +0700 IMPROVING STUDENTS' UNDERSTANDING OF ECOSYSTEMS THROUGH LEARNING MEDIA IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS <p>This descriptive qualitative research is an elaboration of the material developed through students' understanding through learning media.A deep understanding of ecosystems is essential for creating awareness of the need to protect the natural environment for the sustainability of our planet. This study uses an experimental approach involving elementary grade students as research subjects. An interactive and engaging learning media specifically designed to describe various aspects of ecosystems, including biotic and abiotic components, food chains, water cycles, and interactions between organisms. The use of interactive educational technology is expected to facilitate a more effective and enjoyable learning process. This research was conducted within a certain period of time by measuring the level of students' initial understanding of the ecosystem before the instructional media intervention and then compared with the level of understanding after the learning process using the media. In addition, comparisons were also made between groups of students who used learning media and groups of students who studied through conventional methods.</p> Ida fazilla, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Fitriani Manurung Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:00:17 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY (IT) BASED LEARNING IN THE MERDEKA LEARNING CURRICULUM AT SD IN THE SAKTI AREA <p>This type of research is descriptive qualitative, namely research that describes a phenomenon that occurs in the educational environment related to the use of Information Technology (IT) and technology in schools Discusses learning programs that apply information and technology (IT)-based learning that offer strategies, methods, and learning models for teachers and students. Scientific learning strategies that apply information technology and technology (IT) can be implemented in schools and developed outside schools or the wider area. As a result, access to educational resources becomes easier for SD students and teachers. In each academic year, SD provides a limited number of classes at each level, with various subjects. A thorough understanding of information and technology (IT) is required to implement curriculum-compatible learning, enabling it to be used to support a wide range of classes and disciplines. In order for information and technology (IT) to support the improvement of human resources in each subject, this study proposes an implementation plan for information and technology (IT)-based learning in the SD Sakti area.</p> Abdullah, Akmaluddin, Mayang Sari, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:01:10 +0700 STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATIONIN ERA OF SOCIETY 5.0 <p>This article describes the importance of building character in the 5.0 society era. Era 5.0 society is a conception of a society that is literate towards Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Strengthening character education also needs to be realized, this is aimed at shaping character traits (manners) that make morals a distinctive value. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategies and ways of implementing character education in students. In addition, this study also aims to explain how ideal character education is in the face of the 5.0 society era</p> Wardani, Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Kaulan Kariman Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:17:55 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMON SENSE IN DIFFERENTIAL LEARNING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>The application of common sense in differentiated learning is an approach that aims to present a more meaningful and inclusive learning experience for students with different learning styles, speeds, and needs. implementation of the concept of common sense in the context of differentiated learning. Common sense, as an individual's intuitive knowledge in everyday situations, becomes a valuable tool in helping students understand concepts through analogies and illustrations that are relevant to real life. Through the application of common sense, teachers can design more in-depth learning experiences by connecting learning concepts with student experiences. Practical strategies, such as using real-world situations in learning content, applying case studies, and using technology to present material more concretely. In addition, the importance of creating an inclusive and responsive learning environment to student differences is emphasized in this article. Through the implementation of common sense in differentiated learning, teachers can provide learning experiences that are more connected to students' realities, stimulate analytical thinking, and create learning experiences that are more diverse and meaningful for each student.</p> Muhammad Yusuf, Akmaluddin, Siti Mayang Sari, Mhd. Syafii Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:18:40 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF AN INNOVATIVE LEARNING MODEL IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN BANDA ACEH <p>Starting from the assumption that the educator-centered approach has many weaknesses. Meanwhile, the student-centered approach, the teacher's role is to help students find facts, concepts, or principles for themselves. Therefore, to refer to learning efforts towards building creative, interactive, innovative, and inspiring student character in the learning process in the classroom, it is necessary to implement innovative-based learning models. It is time for teachers to implement student-centered learning models as one of the learning innovations that make students the center of education. Innovative learning models are expected that students can develop their potential and abilities for the development of society, nation and state.</p> Side Efrida, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Jonni Sitorus Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:20:13 +0700 FOOTBALL GAME BASIC ABILITY <p>Sport is a highly developed aspect of human life. Exercise is one of the human needs that is carried out so that the body stays healthy and fit. The game of football is more dominant by using the feet played by people from various social circles. In Passing and control the Barona FC players made a mistake in doing it not as desired, then in dribbling the players had difficulty dribbling the ball when facing an opponent, when shooting towards goal, the ball was always far from the target of the opponent's goal, and heading errors often occurred on the forehead which resulted in the ball going off the mark and the heading being done imperfectly. This is due to the lack of basic technical skills of the players, many things are found in a match, the players have not mastered the basic techniques in a soccer team, because in soccer games basic techniques are the main capital for playing soccer. The results of the study found that SSB Barona FC was still not maximal in increasing achievement. This is caused by the basic techniques of the athletes who have not been maximized.</p> Budi Artina Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:21:05 +0700 THE TRIANGLE CONCEPT OF RESTITUTION AS A BASIS FOR DEVELOPING A POSITIVE CULTURE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS <p>Positive culture in the learning environment has been recognized as an important factor in supporting student growth holistically, the application of the restitution triangle concept can be the basis for developing a positive culture in the classroom. The concept of the triangle of restitution, creates an environment that supports stable identities, validates mistakes, and strengthens beliefs in learning. First, this research highlights the importance of helping students build stable and positive identities. By looking at the triangle of restitution as an analogy, educators can direct students to reflect on their interactions with their surroundings and identify the factors that influence their identity development. in this context, the development of a positive identity can be thought of as the result of a shift from a prior state toward better self-discovery. how error validation is an important element in a positive learning process. The concept of the triangle of restitution can be related to student errors as an unavoidable stage in development. By adopting this approach, teachers can create spaces where students feel comfortable making mistakes, learning from them, and seeing them as an important part of the learning process. how the strengthening of belief can be increased through the concept of the triangle of restitution. As kinetic energy is restored in collisions, student confidence can be increased through positive experiences, praise, and deeper selfunderstanding. Teachers can act as a catalyst in stimulating students' confidence in their abilities, encouraging them to take initiative in learning and face challenges. the importance of students' beliefs about themselves and their abilities in the context of learning. develop a positive culture in the classroom. The application of this concept can help strengthen students' identities, encourage the validation of mistakes as learning elements, and increase their confidence in facing existing challenges.</p> Yulia Ekawati, Akmaluddin, Mayang Sari, Fitriani Manurung Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:22:04 +0700 THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER IN GROWING THE TALENT OF STUDENTS' INTEREST IN 1 KOTA SIGLI STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <p>The role of the teacher is basically the main part of the teacher's task in carrying out his duties both related to schools and students. This is because students do not know how to develop their interests and talents. This study aims to determine the teacher's role and the teacher's efforts in developing students' interest talents at SDN 1 Kota Sigli and to find out the obstacles faced by teachers in developing students' interest talents. The research method uses a qualitative approach and a descriptive research type. Collecting data by observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were school principals, teachers, homeroom teachers, students. The results of the study show that: the role of the teacher in developing the interests and talents of students at SDN 1 Kota Sigli can be seen in several aspects, namely the role of the teacher as an educator as a tutor and evaluator. Efforts made by the teacher, namely preparing various learning equipment and providing encouragement to parents of students to continue to foster and provide support to their children when they are outside the school environment. The obstacles faced by teachers in developing students' talents and interests are still the lack of desire and motivation of students in participating in learning. Another obstacle that is often experienced by teachers is the lack of support from parents for their children's progress.</p> Handayani, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:20:31 +0700 KNOWING CATTLE ANIMALS AND THEIR BENEFITS AS LEARNING FOR EARLY CHILDREN <p>Early childhood is in the pre-operational stage, namely children aged 5-6 years. This stage is the initial period for children to build their ability to organize their thoughts. Early childhood begins to understand and recognize various kinds of objects and living things around them. For example, children are able to recognize the names of animals and their benefits for life, according to the themes studied in PAUD. Cows are one of the livestock that are widely used in everyday life, be it meat, milk, skin to bones and manure. The meat and bones can also be processed into various cuisines around the world. Cattle farming is very important in economic, environmental and cultural aspects. While it provides valuable products and livelihood opportunities, it also has a positive impact on people's lives. In PAUD children, an introduction to animals is also very important to convey in an interesting way. So, Early Childhood is able to recognize the environment that is around them.</p> Yuli Arniati Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:21:19 +0700 LINEARITY OF TEACHERS AND LECTURER'S DIPLOMAS IN INCREASING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION <p>Expressing quality is an absolute and relative concept. Absolute quality is high idealism and must be met, high standards, with high prestigious product characteristics. Relative quality is not an end in itself, but as a means that has been defined or services are assessed, namely whether they meet predetermined standards. Academic qualification is one of the factors to determine a person's expertise in a particular field. Likewise, the linearity of both study and profession is a benchmark for in-depth knowledge and career. The policy regarding diploma linearity is very good, it's just that this policy must be reviewed and explained again to educators, both teachers and lecturers. The purpose of this study is to analyze government policy regarding the linearity of diplomas for both teachers and lecturers in terms of implementation and realization of the goals of the diploma linearity. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach in the form of a literature study by collecting information from various sources. This study concludes that government policies have been very good at improving the academic qualifications and academic competence of educators, but they are still a frightening specter for educators.</p> Nona Nofiana Samsul, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin, Jonni Sitorus Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:24:56 +0700 PEDGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE ANALYSIS OF BASIC SCIENCE BOOKS IN SCIENCE LEARNING CLASS III OF KUTA RENTANG STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <p>Elementary school teachers must understand the content of the material and how to teach it to students or known as Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), and the books used as teacher guides must comply with the PCK principles. This research is descriptive research that aims to obtain information about the scope of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Basic Science books for class III SD Negeri Kuta Rentang. The research subject is the sub-chapter of the Basic Science book which is used for third grade students at SD Negeri Kuta Rentang. The book evaluation instrument contains aspects of Pedagogical Content Knowledge content in Basic Science books. Filling out the teacher's book evaluation instrument is done by giving a value of 0 to 5 on each aspect of the assessment. The data that has been obtained is analyzed by calculating the percentage value of Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Based on the results of the analysis of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in science learning, Basic Science books are at a percentage of 94% with the very achieved category. However, this book should not be used as the only guide, teachers need to have other companion books as support and complements, especially on aspects of core knowledge and the metacognition framework.</p> Nurul Zikri Filina, Siti Mayang Sari, Zahraini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:25:39 +0700 INQUIRY BASED LEARNING IN IMPROVING RESULTS STUDENT LEARNING <p>Human life only contains the learning process, learning that begins with a breath and ends with a sigh, meaning that as long as a human is alive, he will continue to learn. At the elementary school education level, there are still many who make teachers as subjects of study so that they do not train children's thinking skills. Not a few teachers still use conventional methods even though the material and learning objectives to be achieved are different. Especially in learning mathematics which is usually the teacher using the lecture method. In this article, it can be used as a reference material in using the mathematics learning model, namely the inquiry learning model or inquiry-based learning. The strategy in the subject approach to student activities is maximally to seek and find, meaning that the inquiry approach places students as learning. All activities carried out are directed at finding and finding out for themselves from something in question, so that it is expected to foster an attitude of confidence which means that in the inquiry approach the teacher is placed not as a learning resource, but as a facilitator and motivator of student learning. The purpose of using inquiry learning strategies is to develop intellectual abilities as part of the mental process.</p> Ida Royani Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:26:26 +0700 THE ROLE OF TEACHERS AND PARENTS EFFORTS TO OVERCOME OBSTACLES LEARNING SLOW LEARNERS DURING THE PASCA COVID-19 PANDEMIC <p>Children's learning outcomes cannot be said to be optimally successful where for slow learner children, online learning is not a good solution. this is supported by not all parents and teachers play an optimal role. This problem is one of the reasons for research which aims to examine the role of teachers and parents in overcoming the difficulties of learning mathematics in slow learner children during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research used is qualitative with the research design used is descriptive qualitative. There were 3 research subjects used by researchers, namely one mathematics teacher, one parent of a child with special needs and one school principal. Using online interviews and observation methods to collect data. The data analysis technique used is data simplification, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the teacher's role is that there is special treatment in class, the teacher always monitors the assignments of slow learner children and there is a mathematics learning video sent by the teacher via WhatsApp. The role of parents is as educators for their children, parents as protectors of children, parents' priority children, and parents know the child's condition when at home. The role of the principal is to guide the teacher in the learning process, through the evaluation process for the teacher. The results of this study explain that teachers, parents, and school principals have an important and influential role in overcoming the learning difficulties of slow learners.</p> Mauladiah, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:30:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF PUNCTURE ACCURACY CAPABILITY IN ACEH Fencing ATHLETES BIG WEAPONS FLORET (FOIL) <p>The accuracy of thrusting in fencing is an ability evaluated by a fencer in precisely and consistently targeting the opponent. The issue faced by athletes is the precision during matches held every Sunday, and constraints on the accuracy of thrusting ability often occur. Athletes fail to hit the target accurately, thus affecting the accumulation of points. The objective of this research is to determine the accuracy of thrusting ability among fencers in Aceh Besar. This study utilizes a descriptive quantitative research approach, involving 15 participants selected through total sampling technique. Data collection is carried out through thrusting accuracy measurement tests. Data analysis involves calculating the mean values and percentages. The research findings indicate that, based on the problem statement, to assess the accuracy of thrusting ability, the average score of thrusting by fencers in Aceh Besar is 30.53, which falls into the category of very good.</p> Novia Rozalini, Munzir, Rivaldi Munawar Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:31:09 +0700 ANALYSIS OF IMPROVING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES IN SCIENCE LEARNING PHOTOSYNTHESIS MATERIALS FOR CLASS IV PAYA DUA STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL USING THE PjBL MODEL <p>This study aims to examine the application of the PjBL model in improving student learning outcomes on photosynthesis. The research subjects were 36 students in class IV of Paya Dua Public Elementary School for the academic year 2022/2023. This research is qualitative research, which focuses on a deeper understanding of the phenomenon being studied, in this case the use of the PjBL model in improving student learning outcomes. The research results show that the implementation of PjBL can improve student learning outcomes. It can be shown that the average mastery score before using the PjBL model was 49.36 and increased after using the PjBL model, namely reaching 67.91. Student learning outcomes increased by 18.55 from before and after using the PjBL model. However, even though there has been an increase, student learning outcomes are still below the Minimum Completeness Criteria score of 70. So it can be concluded that the PjBL model is believed to be effective and has a positive effect on learning that is able to improve student learning outcomes in photosynthesis material in fourth grade students of Paya Dua public elementary school, but from the results of the analysis, the increase in students still has not reached the Minimum Completeness Criteria score of 70. Thus, it is necessary to carry out follow-up actions to address the problem, so that the average student learning outcomes can reach the Minimum Completeness Criteria value in science learning for Grade IV elementary school students’ country of Paya Dua.</p> Faisal Muadi, Lili Kasmini, Siti Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:32:13 +0700 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHER SELF-ESTEEM AND SELF-ACTUALIZATION IN SCHOOLS’ LEARNING COMMUNITY DURING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF KURIKULUM MERDEKA <p>The learning process is something that cannot be separated from a teacher's life. Teachers are expected to be able to develop all the potential and talents they have as a form of self-actualization. However, there are still teachers found to be passive in the learning community. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between teacher self-esteem and self-actualization ability in a learning community in the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in the Southwest Aceh District. The research used a correlational study design with a cross-sectional study approach (α=0.05). The respondents amounted to 103 individuals, selected using the total sampling technique. The instruments used were a self-esteem questionnaire (Rosenberg Self-esteem) with 10 statement items and a self-actualization questionnaire (Peak Experiences Self-Actualization) with 28 statement items. Data analysis was conducted using univariate and bivariate analysis (Spearman Rank Correlation test). The research results found the mean self-esteem score to be 19.89, a standard deviation of 3.346, and a self-esteem score range of 11-29. As for self-actualization, low self-actualization (28.2%), approaching self-actualization (25.2%), moderate self-actualization (28.2%), and high self-actualization (18.4%) were obtained. There is a strong relationship between teacher self-esteem and self-actualization ability in the learning community in the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum (p=0.000, r= +0.633). The results of this research indicate that the learning community can influence teacher self-esteem to sharpen and achieve self-actualization.</p> Rismawati, Cut Mutia Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:48:37 +0700 TEACHER ACTIVITIES IN LEARNING THROUGH THE TPACK-BASED PAIKEM GEMBROT METHOD AT SD NEGERI 14 BANDA ACEH <p>Teacher activity requires abilities, skills, creativity, innovation and intellectual intelligence that a teacher must have. Education goal of national has the broadest possible meaning, namely achieving quality education and teaching using learning methods that have meaning and students' learning interests. The learning method that can be implemented in the RI 4.0 era is the PAIKEM GEMBROT method (Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, Fun, Joyful and High-Weight Learning). Teacher activity in learning that involves students in the implementation of learning requires active and creative thinking by students. The PAIKEM GEMBROT method through TPACK is implemented in elementary school learning to increase students' understanding in the active learning process, teachers are required to be innovative, creative and produce fun learning and provide a happy and meaningful educational atmosphere. This descriptive qualitative research provides information about teachers' activeness in learning through the TPACK-based PAIKEM GEMBROT method to maximize learning well and in a targeted manner according to learning outcomes. Based on the results of interviews and observations at SD Negeri 14 Banda Aceh with outreach activities carried out to provide direction for teachers to improve the quality of learning using the TPACK-based PAIKEM GEMBROT method, producing active, creative, fun and meaningful technology-based learning that can improve student pedagogy. through the implementation of learning content that includes teaching and improving students' ability to reason.</p> Siti Mayang Sari, Lili Kasmini, Munawar Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:49:19 +0700 THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENT’S SELFCONFIDENCE AND SPEAKING ACHIEVEMENT <p>The self-confidence is frequently faced by the students in the classroom when the process of teaching and learning takes place. They are not confident, shy or uncomfortable if they made mistakes. They s are afraid of making errors in the classroom as they will be laughed at by their friends. The aim of the research is to investigate if whether there is any significant correlation between students’ self-confidence and speaking achievement. The population of this research is the students of Junior High School in Kota Banda Aceh. The total population of this study was 89 students. Meanwhile, the total sample of this study was 60. Choosing sample is done randomly. The needed data were collected through questionnaire and test. The data gotten were analyzed by using correlation product moment formula. The result of data analysis shows that t-score value is 4.08. It means there is any significance correlation between the students’ self-confidence and their speaking achievement because the value of t-score (4.08) is bigger than t table (2.00). Based on the result of the research, the students do not need to feel nervous and worry when speaking English in front of their friends, because it is a learning process. Thus, making mistake is very usual for those who start learning foreign language. Therefore, their selfconfidence can increase and it influences their success in speaking achievemen</p> Sariakin, Yulsafli Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:50:03 +0700 THE PRINCIPAL'S LEADERSHIP STYLE AS ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE IN IMPROVING TEACHER PERFORMANCE IN CHANGING STUDENT CHARACTER AT SDN KUTA RENTANG ACEH BESAR <p>This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study type of research which produces a picture of increasing optimal teacher performance and is influenced by the school principal's leadership style and positive organizational culture in terms of several phenomena that exist in the school. A positive organizational culture supports the creation of a good work environment so that it can optimize teacher performance. A positive organizational culture supports the creation of a good work environment so that it can optimize teacher performance. Openness and effective communication, collaboration and cooperation, self-development, discipline and responsibility as well as respect or appreciation can improve teacher performance and leaders' goals in organizing individuals into schools. This research was carried out at SDN Kuta Rentang Aceh Besar. This research aims to determine the increase in teacher performance based on the principal's leadership an organizational culture and optimizing teacher performance in changing student character. The leadership used by the school principal can provide an increase in teacher performance and the development of teacher organizational culture in the school. Because a leader's democratic leadership style is a benchmark for organizational culture and can involve teachers in participating in making decisions to improve teacher performance professionally and efforts to change student character</p> Akmaluddin, Siti Mayang Sari, Aidi Husni Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:50:43 +0700 APPLICATION OF THEMATIC LEARNING BASED ON OBSERVATION OF STUDY CLAUSES IN SD NEGERI 14 BANDA ACEH <p>This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method, namely research based on phenomena that occurred in one case at SD Negeri 14 Banda Aceh. Based on the facts seen in the school, teachers still use old/conventional methods in the thematic learning process. Researchers observed the learning carried out by teachers at SD Negeri 14 Banda Aceh, that thematic learning really provided opportunities for teacher creativity in the active learning process. Through this research method, it will be explained transparently to produce the application of integrative thematic learning using a causal study. It is known that the curriculum used in this school is still some classes using the independent learning curriculum so that the learning process carried out is quite different and not significant to the results obtained by students in integrative thematic learning. Based on the research results, SD Negeri 14 Banda Aceh has implemented integrative thematic-based learning from K-13 until now the Merdeka Curriculum. Integrative thematic learning that combines several subjects into one aims to make students more active and creative and improve critical thinking skills.</p> Fifta Maulisyah, Uswatul Hasanah, Zatil Yumna, Tiya Ramayanti, Dr. Siti Mayang Sari, M.Pd Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:51:34 +0700 THE APPLICATION OF PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING MODEL TO THE LEARNING OUTCOMES ON EXPONENT FUNCTION OF FIRST GRADE STUDENTS IN KRUENG BARONA JAYASENIOR HIGH SCHOO <p>The lack of teacher creativity in implementing learning results in low student learning outcomes. One way to improve student learning outcomes is to use a learning model that focuses on student activeness. This study aims to determine the effect of applying the Problem Based Learning learning model on student learning outcomes in exponent functions in first grade students at Krueng barona Jaya senior high school. The type of research used is quasi-experimental with Pretest Posttest Control Group Design. Sampling based on purposive sampling technique, obtained X1 class students (N = 24) as an experimental class that applies learning with Problem Based Learning model and X2 class students (N = 28) as a control class that applies conventional learning. Data collection techniques using observation, tests and documentation. Based on the results of the t-test analysis of two independent samples through the average value of the posttest of student learning outcomes, obtained t-count &gt; t-table (4.49&gt; 2.00). So it can be concluded that there is an effect of learning using the Problem Based Learning model on student learning outcomes on exponent function.</p> Rahmat Fitra, Nurul Ariescha, Yuli Amalia Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:53:02 +0700 DEVELOPMENT OF POP-UP BOOK LEARNING MEDIA IN SCIENCE SUBJECT AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <p>One of the many obstacles faced by elementary teachers in learning is that lack of suitable teaching media and material thus failed to attract students’ attention during the teaching-learning process, especially in science learning in which abstract concepts usually require concrete objects to enhance students’ understanding. The purpose of this research is to determine the students’ learning outcomes by using pop-up books as a media in teaching science for the elementary students. By using the saturation sampling technique, a total of 16 fourth-grade students in Aceh Singkil involve in this study. This Research and Development (R&amp;D) study adopts the ADDIE instructional systems design framework model to develop the product. The results shows that the designed pop-up book is very valid thus can be used as the material for science teaching. Furthermore, the media can increase students’ knowledge and can help student understand the concept easily</p> Lili Kasmini, Akmaluddin, Indrawati Berutu Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:54:27 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF RPP MERDEKA BELAJAR THROUGH PEER COLLABORATION AT SD NEGERI 61 BANDA ACEH <p>This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method, which is researching based on phenomena that occur in collaboration at SD Negeri 61 Banda Aceh. Based on the facts seen in the school that teachers have used the Merdeka Curriculum in the thematic learning process. Researchers observed the learning carried out by teachers of SD Negeri 61 Banda Aceh that thematic learning provides opportunities for teacher creativity in the active learning process. Through this research method, it will be described transparently to produce the application of integrative thematic learning in a collaborative manner. It is known that the curriculum used in the school has partly used the learning curriculum so that the learning process carried out is quite good and significant with the results obtained by students in integrative thematic learning. SD Negeri 61 Banda Aceh has implemented the Merdeka Curriculum in grades 1 to 4. While grades 5 and 6 still use the 2013 Curriculum. In preparing lesson plans, teachers find it difficult because, it is very different from the 2013 curriculum. Then at SD Negeri 61 Banda Aceh school rarely do socialization.</p> Sri Rahayu Hariani Br Tumangger, Febrianaz Syafa, Hapidah, Salma Ara, Muhammad Bahagia, Dr. Siti Mayang Sari, M.Pd, Sukma Wulanda Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:55:21 +0700 THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING TO IMPLEMENT DISCIPLINE FOR STUDENTS AT SDN 1 MATANGKULI <p>This study aims to describe: 1) Guidance and counseling programs implemented by SDN 1 Matangkuli teachers in instilling discipline; 2) The role of SDN 1 Matangkuli teachers as implementers of guidance and counseling in instilling discipline; 3) Constraints of SDN 1 Matangkuli teachers as implementers of guidance and counseling in instilling discipline; 4) SDN 1 Matangkuli solution as an implementer of guidance and counseling in instilling discipline. This type of research is qualitative research with phenomenological design. Research is conducted by observation, interviews, and documentation and data validity is carried out by triangulation of sources and techniques. The results of this study show: 1) The guidance and counseling program by SDN 1 Matangkuli teachers in instilling discipline is in accordance with the objectives, namely by applying a journal of daily events, spiritual and religiousities; 2) Class teachers actas educators, activity managers, consultants, role models/examples, problem solver; 3) The obstacles faced by SDN 1 Matangkuli teachers are the competence of class teachers as supervisors who are not qualified, less experienced and professional, guidance and counseling management that has not been organized and lack of communication with professional experts and guardians; 4) The solutions obtained by SDN 1 Matangkuli teachers are increasing the ability of class teachers as guides improving guidance and counseling management, conducting socialization by involving experts and communicating with parents in seeing the development of students.</p> Fakhrurrazi, Rahmat Iqbal, Liza Fidiawati Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:56:07 +0700 ANALYSIS OF STUDENT CHARACTER IN SCIENCE SUBJECTS AT LAMPUYANG STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, PULO ACEH DISTRICT <p>In character education, students can be taught and assisted in the process of forming character and ethical values. Character education can be implemented one way through science learning. The aim of this research was to find out how much interest students have in carrying out the learning process at school, especially science subjects, because this subject is one of the lessons that must be completed at elementary school level. What the researchers used as topics for interviews with students were, (1) Analyzing students' understanding in science lessons, (2) Analyzing students' interest in science material. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method, namely research based on phenomena that occurred in one case of the Lampuyang State Elementary School, Pulo Aceh District. The research results obtained are very satisfying, where students do not think that science subjects are difficult and should be liked and studied and teachers can provide material that is easy to understand so that one day science lessons become the favorite subject of all students at Lampuyang State Elementary School, Pulo Aceh District.</p> Lisnawati, Mayang Sari, Mhd. Syafii, Fitriani Manurung, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:56:52 +0700 PROBLEMATICS IN LEARNING THROUGH THE QUALITY OF TEACHER TEACHING MATERIALS IN NAPAI STATE PRIMARY SCHOOL, WEST ACEH <p>This research was conducted regarding the phenomenon of low teacher competence. The focus of this research is on teachers' internal and external problems in the teaching and learning process (PBM). The aim of this research is to find out: 1) the problems of the teaching profession; 2) efforts to improve the quality of education at Napai State Elementary School, West Aceh Regency. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research approach. Data collection techniques use models: observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research show that: 1) teacher problems consist of internal problems, including: (a) pedagogical competence, namely weak control of the class, poor innovation and creativity, low interest in reading, lack of mastery of good assessment techniques and teachers lacking or even not mastering learning media which is based on information technology, (b) professional competence, namely lack of mastery of the material, (c) personality competence, namely lack of love for the profession. Meanwhile, external problems include: class size, learning atmosphere, limited learning facilities and resources, discipline and available libraries. 2) the solution/effort made to overcome this problem is by empowering human resources and existing facilities to support improving the quality of education,</p> Mahrini, Siti Mayang Sari, Mhd. Syafii, Fitriani Manurung, Sariakin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:57:56 +0700 RAISE THE SPIRIT OF CONFIDENCE IN STUDENTS WHO HAVE MENTALLY WEAK DUE TO INTERNAL FAMILY PROBLEMS <p>Within the school environment, we encounter various problems faced by students and this becomes a challenge in itself for a teacher, when students have problems that may be faced at home or in the family environment, it really influences the learning process so that there is a decrease in the student's learning outcomes. There are many factors that can influence a student's enthusiasm and self-confidence, problems that arise in them, such as family, economics, parental support, and the incompleteness of one of the student's parents are very influential factors. This research uses a qualitative approach involving students who have experience of internal family problems. In-depth interview techniques were used to understand their perspectives and experiences in more detail. This approach of listening and providing active attention to students has proven effective in helping them feel heard and understood. The emotional support provided by teachers and school staff also has a positive influence in rebuilding students' self-confidence. Interventions involving counseling, social support from teachers, social skills development programs, and building self-identity, have been proven to have a positive impact in increasing students' self-confidence. This research provides valuable insight in raising the spirit of self-confidence in students who experience internal family problems. Strategies such as listening, providing emotional support, establishing positive relationships, engaging in extracurricular activities, and facilitating the development of clear goals can help students&nbsp; strengthen their self-confidence and overcome the negative impact of internal <br>family problems.</p> Andika Bayanfkara, Siti Mayang Sari, Mhd Syafii Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:58:58 +0700 THE PERCEPTIONS OF STUDENTS TOWARDS YOUTUBE VIDEO IN PRONUNCIATION <p>This study aims at exploring the EFL students’ perceptions towards the use of YouTube video media in learning English pronunciation whether positive or negative. This study employs a mixed-methods approach using questionnaire and observation sheet to 28 students from one of junior high schools in Aceh Besar, Aceh. Therefore, based on the results of the questionnaire, it can be stated that the majority of students responded very positively to the use of YouTube-based video media. Based on the results of observation, it indicated that the majority of students showed a very good assessment in terms the students’ interest, the atmosphere of learning in class, as well as the activeness and involvement of the students through the use of YouTube video media. This is indicated by the high percentage of all statements on the aspects of students' interest in the use of the media in learning pronunciation. Thus, there is a positive significant result shown by the EFL students towards the use of YouTube video media in learning English pronunciation</p> Mulyani, Sariakin, syarfuni Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 15:59:40 +0700 PPLICATION OF THE STAD TYPE COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING ON THE INDONESIAN FOREIGN POLITICS TOPIC IN CLASS VI OF SD NEGERI ROTTEUNGOH <p>This research aims to analyze the improvement in student learning outcomes after implementing the STAD type cooperative learning model on topic Indonesian Foreign Politics in class VI SD Negeri Rotteungoh. This research was classroom action research consisting of two cycles. Each cycle had four stages, namely: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research was carried out at SD Negeri Rotteungoh, Meukek District, South Aceh Regency for 3 months in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The subjects of this research were 22 class VI students consisting of 12 male students and 10 female students. The instruments used were formative tests and observation sheets. Data analysis used descriptive statistics based on the results of formative tests and observation sheets for each cycle. The research results showed that student learning outcomes increased from cycle I to cycle II, namely cycle I (68.18%) and cycle II (90.91%). The STAD type cooperative learning model motivates students to convey ideas and questions so that student learning outcomes increase. The STAD type cooperative learning model can be used as an alternative learning material for Indonesian foreign policy topicbecause it can improve student learning outcome</p> Afriansyah, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 16:00:17 +0700 THE STUDENTS’ LEARNING STRATEGIES IN ACHIEVING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF HIGHER TOEFL SCORES <p>This research is intended to find out the learning strategies that Respondents used to get higher TOEFL scores. TOEFL is test of English as foreign language, or a standardize in measuring the abilities in English skills (Listening, Structure and Reading). This research used samples method by using qualitative approach. In this study, the writer found the respondents who got higher TOEFL scores. Then, the writer asked each of the respondent about the strategy that made their scores higher in TOEFL test. This research used both interview and questionnaire instruments. The interview was 10 questions about the TOEFL learning strategies, and the respondents answered relate to their strategy used in learning TOEFL. In addition, the writer made a questionnaire instrument in the research aimed to find out the TOEFL learning strategies scales that respondents usually applied in learning TOEFL. Moreover, The interview and the questionnaire showed that the strategies that respondents used in learning TOEFL was a proper methods to apply in learning TOEFL. In this research, the dominant strategy relate to the theory respondents used, were the audiotory and visual methods, the respondents used those because the TOEFL is the language testing, so visual and audiotory were very influential in learning learning TOEFL. In conclusion, the research illustrated that learning TOEFL has each strategy depends on the respondent, and the strategy that respondents used have been increased their TOEFL scores in official test.</p> Regina Rahmi, Mulyani, Effendi Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 16:01:00 +0700 USING KALBEK PRODUCTS (USED CALENDAR) TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES ON FPB AND KPK TOPICS IN CLASS IV SDN 3 TAROK <p>This research aims to analyze the increase in student learning outcomes after using kalbek teaching aids on the topics of FPB and KPK in class IV SDN 3 Tarok. This research was classroom action research consisting of two cycles. Each cycle had four stages, namely: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research was carried out at SDN 3 Tarok, Meukek District, and South Aceh Regency for 2 months in the 2023/2024 academic year. The subjects of this research were 14 fourth grade students consisting of 7 male students and 7 female students. The instruments used were formative tests and observation sheets. Data analysis used descriptive statistics based on the results of formative tests and observation sheets for each cycle. The results of the research showed that the use of kalbek teaching aids can improve student learning outcomes as indicated by an increase in the completeness of student learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II, namely cycle I (64.29%) and cycle II (92.86%). Student activity in learning also increased from cycle I, 53.6% to 85.7% in cycle II.</p> Afrizal, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 16:01:49 +0700 PRIVATE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP MODEL BASED ON INTEGRATED PATRIMONIAL MANAGEMENT, POLITICAL MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT <p>This research focuses on the management of private school principals. The aim is to find the characteristics of the leadership model of private school principals based on integrated patrimonial management, political management and professional management at SDIT Nurul Fikri Aceh. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques namely documentation, observation and interviews. Research subjects are Foundation Chairmen, School Principals and Teachers. The research was conducted at the Nurul Fikri Aceh Integrated Islamic School. The research results show that: the characteristics of the leadership model for private school principals are based on integrated patrimonial management, political management and professional management at SDIT Nurul Fikri Aceh through the steps: (a) planning which includes formulating goals and preparing work programs; (b) organizing which includes forming a management team and job specifications; (c) implementation which includes the leadership of the school principal; (d) supervision which includes quality control and reporting.</p> Zahraini, Rita Novita Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 16:04:21 +0700 UNVEILING THE DYNAMICS: EXPLORING CHALLENGES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING ACROSS VARIED CLASSROOM SIZES IN ACEH, INDONESIA <p>This research delves into the nuanced landscape of English Language Teaching (ELT) in Aceh, Indonesia, focusing on the distinctive challenges faced by educators in classrooms characterized by divergent sizes—ranging from larger classes with approximately 35 students to smaller, more intimate settings accommodating around 5 students. The study aims to uncover the multifaceted difficulties encountered by teachers in each context, exploring the impact of class size on instructional methods, student-teacher interactions, and overall learning outcomes. Through a combination of qualitative interviews, classroom observations, and teacher surveys, the research seeks to identify common obstacles as well as unique issues associated with both large and small class environments. By gaining insights into these challenges, the study aspires to inform targeted strategies and recommendations for enhancing the quality of English language education in Aceh, fostering more effective teaching practices and improving the educational experience for both teachers and students in diverse classroom settings.</p> Rizka Marlisa Aini, Mulyadi Syahputra Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 16:05:25 +0700 THE PERFORMANCE OF CERTIFIED AND NON-CERTIFIED TEACHERS IN IMPROVING LEARNING QUALITY OF STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS IN SAMATIGA DISTRICT <p>This research aims to determine the performance of certified and non-certified teachers in improving learning quality of State Junior High Schools (SMPN) in Samatiga District, West Aceh. This research uses a quantitative approach, the research sample is 15 people. Data collection techniques were carried out using questionnaires and documentation. Based on the research results, it is known that certified teachers in improving learning quality of State Junior High Schools in Samatiga District, West Aceh, seen from the aspects of professional, pedagogical and social competence, are quite good, even personality competence is classified as good. Non-certified teachers in improving learning quality of State Junior High Schools throughout Samatiga District, West Aceh, seen from the aspects of professional, pedagogical and social competence, are quite good. However, personality competence is still relatively lacking.</p> Marlina Dahlan, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 16:06:33 +0700 PSYCHOLOGY OF STUDENT DEVELOPMENT WITH A GUIDANCE COUNSELING APPROACH <p>This research uses a descriptive qualitative method whose data sources are obtained through interviews and describing several real documentation related to the phenomena written about. Sourced from several participants who became news sources obtaining problems regarding the psychology of student development. In relation to psychology, there is no meaningful use of counseling guidance in schools. The teacher's role in this problem is to provide motivation and clinical guidance for student development in everyday life. With polite, orderly, motivated and moral behavior, students must have proper guidance and direction from teachers, parents and support from the internal and external environment. The research obtained results that based on several sources, both personal and concrete interpersonal abilities, it is clear that the effort to see the psychology of student development significantly with current problems is through an effective counseling guidance approach so that counseling guidance teachers can contribute more to increasing change within themselves. student. The relationship between students and teachers has a continuous relationship between educators and educated people so that they get compassionate behavior and special attention to students.</p> Januar Saputra, Annisa Apriliyanti, Siti Mayang Sari, Syukri Azwar Lubis Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 26 Jan 2024 16:10:00 +0700 PBL MODEL BASED ON POWER POINT INTERACTIVE MEDIA INCREASING INTEREST IN LEARNING IN CLASS 1 STUDENTS OF FAJAR CITY PRIVATE PRIMARY SCHOOL <p>This research uses qualitative methods whose data sources are obtained through observation, interviews and describing several documentation. One of the components that influences the learning process is that teachers are expected to be able to create interesting learning activities for students so that learning activities can run as expected, achieve learning goals, and get maximum results. Powerpoint media can help an idea become more interesting and clear in its purpose when presented because Powerpoint media will help in creating slides, presentation outlines, electronic presentations, displaying dynamic slides, including interesting clipart, all of which are easily displayed on a computer monitor screen. By using Power Point media, students will be motivated to learn again. Teachers are expected to be able to use the interactive learning media PowerPoint by not only displaying silent reading material with a written focus, but by adding interesting images so that it can increase students' motivation and attention during learning.</p> Cut Oktanalisa, Siti Mayang Sari, Sariakin, Mhd. Syafii Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:11:14 +0700 ANIMATED VIDEO-BASED LEARNING ON THE FORES AND PROPERTIES OF OBJECTS FOR CLASS II SD NEGERI 2 CALANG <p>The use of animated videos in education has become an integral part of the learning process, especially at the elementary school level. This article explores the contribution and positive impact of using animated videos in the context of early childhood learning. Focusing on its benefits in strengthening conceptual understanding, providing a fun visual learning experience, and supporting the development of students' creative and collaborative skills. Through engaging visual depictions and personalization of the learning experience, this approach enriches traditional methods by creating a more interactive learning environment and stimulating students' critical thinking. By integrating animated videos in the elementary school curriculum, we pave the way to create more engaging, effective and relevant learning for future generations. In this context, the use of visuals in the form of animation encourages student involvement in the learning process, strengthens memory, and helps them understand physical and natural concepts more thoroughly. By introducing animated videos as part of learning about the shapes and properties of objects, this article highlights the important role of technology in providing a more dynamic and fun teaching method for elementary school students.</p> Sri Sumida, Siti Mayang Sari, Lili Kasmini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:12:11 +0700 APPLICATION OF THE MIND MAPPING MODEL IN IMPROVING THE ABILITY OF WRITING EXPOSITION TEXTS IN CLASS X MIPA 4 STUDENTS OF SMA NEGERI 3 BANDA ACEH <p>This research is entitled "Application of the Mind Mapping model in improving the ability to write expository texts in class X MIPA 4 students at SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh". The problem to be studied in this research is how to apply the Mind Mapping model in improving the ability to write expository texts in class X MIPA 4 students at SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh. This research aims to determine the application of the Mind Mapping model in improving the ability to write expository texts in class X MIPA 4 students at SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh. The type of research used in this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK). Meanwhile, the approach used in this research is a qualitative approach. The results of this research show that the increase in students' ability to write expository texts in cycle I is still low. So the researcher drew conclusions to carry out cycle II. After taking action to improve the ability to write expository texts using the Mind Mapping model, and the results in cycle II, student scores increased and the percentage of success for children was Incomplete (TT).&nbsp;</p> Hendra Kasmi, Teuku Mahmud Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:14:00 +0700 IMPROVING COUNTING SKILLS THROUGH NUMBER BLOCK GAMES FOR GROUP B CHILDREN AT TK SEULANGA DAYA <p>This study is based on the less than optimal cognitive development in early childhood in group B of Seulanga Daya Kindergarten due to the monotonous learning process. This should make teachers provide active and creative learning materials by playing, children can think more critically and logically like what children do, namely using symbols, classifying objects and sorting objects. This study aims to improve counting skills through number block games in group B children at Seulanga Daya Kindergarten. This type of research is a qualitative Classroom Action Research. The subjects in this study were group B children as many as 20 children. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it shows that the Pre-Cycle obtained a value of 35%, Cycle I 70%, and Cycle II 92%. It can be interpreted that the ability to count through the game of number blocks in group B children at Seulanga Daya kindergarten has increased. So that the percentage increase in children's counting ability has reached the success indicator</p> Helnita, Suwaibah, Rossiana Br Ginting, Ahmad Nasriadi, Riza Oktariana Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:14:30 +0700 ANALYSIS OF SOCIODRAMA METHOD ON EMPATHY BEHAVIOR OF 5-6 YEARS OLD CHILDREN IN TK DHARMA WANITA BAKONGAN TIMUR, SOUTH ACEH REGENCY <p>Empathy is one aspect that must be optimally instilled in children from an early age. Empathy is the ability of an individual or person to understand and feel the feelings of others and react appropriately to other people's feelings. The formulation in this research is how to implement the sociodrama method on the ability to behave empathetically in group B children of the Dharma Wanita TK Bakongan Timur. What are the obstacles to the sociodrama method on the ability to behave empathetically in group B children of Dharma Wanita TK Bakongan Timur. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this research were 2 class teachers. Data collection techniques using interviews. The results of the research explain that in general the children's empathy abilities at the Dharma Wanita Bakotim Kindergarten are going well, so this can be seen in learning using the sociodrama method given by the teacher. Teachers use various media that are appropriate to the child's developmental stages. Children who have difficulty developing empathy will be given special attention by teachers. Special attention to children who experience difficulties in developing their empathy, namely by taking a special approach and providing solutions to the obstacles faced by the child. One of the factors that influence the development of children's empathy is the social interaction factor between one child and another when learning science in class. Apart from that, it is also influenced by the role of parents by providing support in shaping the child's character at home.</p> Ilham Septian, Nur Asiyah, Musdiani, Riza Oktariana Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:15:35 +0700 EVALUATION OF THE DOMINANT PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE ACEH BESAR FENCING ATHLETES IN 2023 <p>The Aceh Besar Fencing Team is a forum for developing athletes to achieve achievements, especially fencing athletes who live in Aceh Besar. The achievements of the Aceh Besar fencing team's sporting achievements cannot be separated from various factors, one of which is physical condition. This study aims to determine the level of physical condition of ASI Aceh Besar fencing athletes. This research method uses a quantitative approach which is presented in descriptive form. The sampling in this research used a purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the research carried out, the physical condition profile of the ASI Aceh Besar Male Fencing Athletes was classified as adequate in terms of speed and endurance, only the agility section was in the poor category. On the other hand, the physical condition profile of the ASI Aceh Besar Women's Fencing athletes is classified as poor, this can be seen in the data where the overall speed, agility and endurance tests are in the poor category. It is recommended that athletes can improve their physical condition independently outside of the existing training schedule and that coaches can create supporting programs to improve the athlete's physical condition.</p> Irwandi Kamalia, Putri Aditia Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:16:35 +0700 MINDOMO: A DIGITAL MIND MAPPING IN ENHANCING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL <p>This study aims to find out the use of digital mind mapping through Mindomo application in enhancing students' writing skills focused on descriptive text in second grade at SMA Negeri 3 Teupah Selatan 2023/2024. The purposive sampling was used in this research which consists of 19 students. The instruments that is used to collect the data is pre-test and post-test. The result of the test shows that there is an increasing score of students from the pre-test to the post-test. The students' pre-test average score was 47.47 which were classified as poor grade, while the post-test score was higher than the pre-test average score of 78.15 which was categorized as an excelent category. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the accepted hypothesis states that the use of digital mind mapping through the Mindomo application enhanced students’ ability in writing a descriptive text. Digital mind mapping (Mindomo aplication) allows students to brainstorm ideas collectively. This can be particularly useful for students to compose a descriptive text. The digital mind mapping through the mindomo application can be chosen as one of the effective technology to use in teaching writing in order to enhance students' writing skills particularly in descriptive text.</p> Rosdiana, Riski Mayusandra Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:17:57 +0700 Education Quality Control Concepts and Applications <p>One of the problems faced by the government in the development of national education is the problem of quality. To improve the quality of education, it is necessary to improve the control function carried out by school principals and education supervisors. Control that will be able to provide significant benefits in improving quality if it is aimed at the input-process-output aspects of education. Control aimed at these components is called quality control. Quality control is an action that contains measurement or assessment and improvement activities. Controlling is a process that consists of planning (setting performance goals and standards), measuring actual performance, comparing performance and making improvements. Education quality control is aimed at aspects of the learning curriculum, student development and management aspects. These three target areas all refer to the optimal development of student competencies.</p> Musriadi Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:18:59 +0700 CREATIVE STEPS IN IMPROVING THE READING ABILITY OF HIGH CLASS STUDENTS THROUGH INTRODUCTION TO NATURE PIR BATEE PUTEH V STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ARONGAN LAMBALEK WEST ACEH <p>The learning process does not rule out the possibility that elementary school students experience reading difficulties. High grade elementary school students' reading difficulties are also found in several elementary schools in various regions, of course this greatly influences the students' learning process in responding to and understanding the lessons given by the teacher. Improving reading skills in high class students at PIR Batee Puteh V State Elementary School, Arongan Lambalek, West Aceh requires a creative and contextual approach. This research explores innovative steps involving the introduction of nature as a means of increasing student literacy, namely: (1) Observation and introduction to the natural surroundings, (2) Selection of reading materials inspired by nature, (3) Integrated science exploration and learning activities, (4) Writing activities based on natural observations, (5) Discussion and reflection together. The author's aim is that through natural exploration activities based on the school environment, students can enrich their reading experience, increase their interest in learning, and provide a deeper understanding of concepts.</p> Yulia Riechie, Siti Mayang Sari, Fitriani Manurung, Sariakin, Rita Novita Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:20:19 +0700 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN LEARNING GRAMMAR STRATEGIES <p>The present research investigated the grammar learning strategies (GLS) used by Malaysian ESL undergraduate students. It also examined the mean differences in the GLS used based on students’ proficiency levels. Quantitative research using a survey design was conducted in gathering the data. A set of questionnaires was randomly distributed via google forms to Indonesian EFl undergraduate students who enrolled in a grammar course. 80 students responded to the questionnaire; thus, they became the participants of the research. Both descriptive and inferential analyses were used to interpret the data. The findings indicated that taking notes while listening to their teacher’s explanations, finding out the reasons for their mistakes, encouraging themselves to practice grammar and asking friends for help were the most common strategies used in cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and social strategies respectively. Social strategies were found to be the most common strategies used by the students. Finally, the research also revealed that high proficient students used all strategies more than low proficient students. The findings of the research can be useful for teachers as they can vary their teaching approaches to match the students’ grammar learning strategies. In addition, less proficient students can also learn the strategies used by the more proficient students so they can also benefit from using the strategies in learning grammar</p> Syarfuni, Mulyani, Muklisuddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:22:13 +0700 AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHER CHALLENGES IN TEACHING ENGLISH AT SMAN 2 BANDA ACEH <p>This study aims to identify the difficulties of English teachers at SMAN 2 Banda Aceh encounter, the causes that contribute to those difficulties, and the strategies the teachers employ to overcome those difficulties. A qualitativedescriptive methodology was employed in this investigation. Researchers employed observation sheets and interviews to gather data for this investigation. The researchers discovered various difficulties for English teachers at SMAN 2 Banda Aceh based on the data collection results. Managing pupils presents several difficulties. The obstacles include students' lack of enthusiasm for learning English, ignorance of the fundamentals of English classes, using one's native tongue while learning English, and students' lack of self-confidence</p> Nur Amalia, Regina Rahmi, Mulyani, Eni Andriani Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:23:03 +0700 VALIDITY ANALYSIS INTEGRATED BUSINESS MODULES SPATIAL CULTURE-Based PROJECT BEST LEARNING <p>This research aims to analyze the validity of the entrepreneurship module integrated spatial culture based project best learning. The research was carried out in Banda Aceh City and Greater Aceh District. This research is developmental research. As far as the stages undertaken in this research include the collection of information, data collection, preparation of teaching modules, small-scale trial tests, material development, module preparation, first field trial, revision of the first module, second field test, second module revision, finalisation of the module. This study concluded that the validation from a linguist indicates an excellent level of validation. The validation of a material expert indicates a very good level of validation. The level of practicality of this module could have been tested by two users where the results showed very practical for implementation. The recommendation of this research is the need to implement existing material on the teaching module to cultivate entrepreneurial interest in creating new edupreneurs.</p> Rahmattullah, Akmaluddin, Lilis Triana Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:24:40 +0700 SUPERVISION OF THE PRINCIPAL IN BUILDING THE ACADEMIC CULTURE OF TEACHERS AT SMA 1 SAMATIGA <p>The research aims to explore the role of the principal as a supervisor in building the academic culture of teachers. The academic culture of teachers has characteristics that are closely related to the actualization of values, orientation, understanding and beliefs of students and all school residents about their dignity and dignity as students. The research method this time uses qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation and interviews. From the two data collected researchers are then analyzed to obtain research findings by reducing data, presenting and then drawing conclusions. The results showed that the role of the principal in building an academic culture requires academic competence in which a principal plans the program, and evaluates the results of the program run by the principal.</p> Mailan Lina, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:25:58 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF THE PRINCIPAL'S LEADERSHIP IN IMPROVING TEACHER PERFORMANCE <p>In the learning process teachers are seen as having an important role, especially in helping students to develop their potential in cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities. Teacher performance can be seen and measured based on the specifications / competency criteria that must be possessed by each teacher. Can be displayed through mastery of pedagogic, professional, personality and social competencies. This study aims to: 1) determine whether or not there is an influence of the principal's leadership on improving teacher performance; 2) Knowing whether or not there is an effect of improvement on teacher performance. The research method used is quantitative method. The results of this study show that: 3) there is a very significant positive influence between the influence of the principal's leadership on improving teacher performance; 4) There is a very significant positive influence between improvements in teacher performance. Teacher performance will increase if the teacher has carried out elements consisting of loyalty and high commitment to the task of teaching, mastering and developing learning materials, discipline in teaching and other tasks</p> Yulidarna, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:27:15 +0700 STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP OF THE PRINCIPAL IN DECISION MAKING IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN MEULABOH <p>This study aims to examine the leadership of school principals in making decisions about disciplinary violations in elementary schools. This research uses qualitative research with case study method. The subjects of this study were teachers, principals, and students. Data was collected through interviews and observations. The results of this study show: 1) the head decision-making process by identifying problems by knowing the types of disciplinary violations, grouping the types of violations of discipline by students or teachers, then finding and deciding on the types of sanctions and solutions for the types of disciplinary violations, providing sanctions in accordance with the form of mistakes that have been made, 2) the decision-making process based on the causes of problems. The principal must understand educators and students; pay attention to violations looking for reasons for violations committed by students and educators; search and find the elements that cause students and educators to violate discipline; and explain and find the cause of the violation. 3) The decision-making process is carried out by the Head of the School by knowing the type of violation and the consequences caused, supervising teachers and students, establishing communication and socialization to students to always maintain cleanliness; encourage active participation of teachers to build student character and behavior, and inform teachers not to show bad behavior to students.</p> Rosmaniar, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:41:37 +0700 TEACHER OBSTACLES IN IMPLEMENTING THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM AT SMP 4 MEULABOH <p>The curriculum is constantly changing according to the needs of society and technological advancements. The purpose of this study was to find obstacles in the implementation of the independent curriculum at SMP 4 Meulaboh and teacher readiness problems based on teacher knowledge and skills. In this study, descriptive analysis methods were used, and data were collected through interviews, documentation, and literature studies to supplement the statements made by interviews. The results showed that SMP 4 Meulaboh still faces challenges in implementing the independent curriculum. This is because they do not receive special training on the independent curriculum, so they do not know how to make subject matter. This research shows that teachers are not ready and are still confused to implement an independent curriculum because they do not understand how to find learning materials or media in the process of teaching and learning activities that are in accordance with the independent curriculum. More senior teachers also face difficulties in finding learning materials or media in the process of teaching and learning activities that are in accordance with the independent curriculum.</p> Surya Darma Bakti, Siti Mayang Sari, Akmaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:50:37 +0700 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STORYTELLING METHOD THROUGH RITATOON ON THE ABILITY TO LISTEN TO AGE CHILDREN 5-6 YEARS TK IT PERMATA SUNNAH BANDA ACEH <p>Storytelling is an event that is carried out by someone verbally to another person with or without tools about what to convey in the form of messages, information to be listened to with a sense of fun. While the storytelling method is a way of speaking in telling stories or giving explanations to children orally. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the storytelling method through ritatoon in developing listening skills for children aged 5-6 years in Group B TK IT Permata Sunnah Banda Aceh. The method used is the experimental method then the data is analyzed quantitatively. The research sample for group B1 Khalid Bin Walid children is 12 children. The instruments used in this data collection were observation sheets and documentation. Based on the data analysis that has been done, the value (sig. 2-tailed) for the paired sample t-test for testing the hypothesis is 0.00. The test carried out is the right[1]hand side test, because 0.00</p> Riza Oktariana, Mita Rezekina, Wahidah Nasution, Liza Fidiawati, Fitriani Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:51:37 +0700 EFFECTIVENESS OF TRADITIONAL ENGKLEK GAMES TO IMPROVE SOCIAL SKILLS OF GROUP B CHILDREN AT TK AL-FATH PRESCHOOL BANDA ACEH <p>The background in this study is that children have low social skills such as not wanting to cooperate with groups, and not wanting to socialize with other children. Therefore the problem formulation of this study . "Is the application of traditional cricket games effective for improving the social skills of group B children at Al-Fath Preschool Banda Aceh?". So that the purpose of this study is to determine whether the application of traditional cricket games is effective for improving the social skills of group B children at Al-Fath Preschool Banda Aceh. Then, the research approach is quantitative and the type of research is experimental research. The sample used in this study was group B with a total of 10 children. Furthermore, the instruments used are observation and documentation. From the results of data analysis by calculating the t-test, the research results show that t count ≥ t (1-α) is 26.75 ≥ 1.83, then Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. Therefore It can be concluded that the application of traditional cricket games is effective for improving the social skills of group B children at Al-Fath Preschool Banda Aceh. Therefore, traditional cricket games can be applied at school so that children are able to cooperate, be generous, desire for social acceptance, friendly attitude, and selflessness.</p> Cut Fazlil Hanum, Rini Rovika Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:52:25 +0700 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION, SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH <p>Students experience difficulties in working on and solving non-routine problems. This means that students' high-level thinking abilities are still relatively low. One solution isto use HOTS-based LKPD through the problem[1]based learning model. The aim of this research is to find out whether HOTS[1]based LKPD through the PBL model is effective in reducing absolute value inequality. This research is a type of quantitative research. The method used in this research is quasi-experimental design in the form of a nonequivalent control group design. The sample in this study was determined using the purposeful sampling technique. The experimental class was given treatment using HOTS-based LKPD via the PBL model, while the control class used a conventional learning model. The techniques and tools for collecting data for this research are through tests and documentation. The data analysis technique was tested through descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis, as well as the N-Gain Score test. The results of this research show that learning using HOTS-based LKPD through the PBL model in the experimental class is within the effective criteria with a percentage level of effectiveness of 81.21%, while learning using the conventional model in the control class is within the criteria of being quite effective with a percentage level of effectiveness of 54.47 percent. The conclusion is that the HOTS-based LKPD through the PBL model is effective in reducing absolute value inequality material.</p> Yuli Amalia, Ahmad Nasriadi, Akmalia Khairunnisa Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:53:28 +0700 THE TEACHERS’ VOICES: UNDERSTANDING AND DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ TALENTS <p>This article analyzes teachers' perspectives on talents and talent development of high school students in Langsa City. Using a qualitative approach, researchers collected data from three high schools, namely Vocational High School 2, State High School 1, and Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Langsa through interview techniques with student affairs teachers. The research results show that the introduction and development of talents in senior high schools in Langsa includes: socialization at the beginning of the new school year, mentoring, development in various extracurricular activities and tentative talent development. Talent development through extracurricular activities focuses on talents that comes from five senses, while talents that come from nature tends to be neglected. The implications of the results of this research are that schools need to develop talent development activities that are integrated with the co[1]curriculum so that they can accommodate all students' talents.</p> Wahidah, Teuku Zulfikar, Zahratul Idami, Fadhilah Wiandari, Cherry Julida Panjaitan Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:54:10 +0700 THE MEANING OF LUQMANUL HAKIM'S WILL IN SURAH LUQMAN VERSES 13-19 <p>This research examines the meaning of Luqmanul Hakim's will in Surah<br>Luqman verses 13-19. The research method used in this research is a qualitative <br>method with a content analysis approach. The data collection technique used by <br>the author in this article is to translate verses from the Al-Qur'an, interpret and<br>conclude the understanding that researchers have sought from these verses, so <br>as to obtain results that are more detailed and clear and can be understood <br>easily by everyone. reader. There are several values of Islamic education<br>contained in the Al-Qur'an Surah Luqman verses 13-19, basically covering <br>three fundamental education, namely; aqidah education, moral education, and <br>sharia education. The aqidah education contained in Luqman's letter is in verse <br>13, namely "O my son, do not associate partners with Allah, indeed to associate<br>partners with (Allah) is truly great injustice." Then the moral education stated <br>in Luqman's letter is in verses 14, 15, 16, 18 and 19, in verses 14 and 15 it <br>explains the command to do good to both parents, in verse 16 it states about <br>retribution for bad deeds, even if it is a mustard seed, Allah will still avenge<br>them, in verse 18 it states that you should not be arrogant towards fellow <br>humans, and in verse 19 it explains human behavior or movements, and <br>recommends being gentle and humble. Then the education stated in Luqman's<br>letter is in verse 17, namely "O my son, establish prayer and order (humans) to<br>do good and prevent (them) from doing evil and be patient with what befalls <br>you."</p> Hanif Maulana Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:06:35 +0700 OPTIMIZING SPEAKING SKILLS: UNVEILING CHALLENGES AND DESIGNING SOLUTIONS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS <p>The aim of this research is to uncover challenges and design solutions in optimizing the speaking skills of elementary school students. This study employs a qualitative approach with a phenomenological study type, examining the experiences of two elementary school teachers in Bandung City in developing students' speaking skills. Data collection in this research utilizes interview and observation techniques. The results indicate that students still face difficulties in speaking, especially in formal situations such as expressing opinions, storytelling, and even when answering questions from teachers. Students appear rigid, shy, and fearful during speaking activities, lacking the confidence and courage to speak in class. Both language and non-language factors can be developed by teachers to enhance students' speaking skills. Through this research, teachers unanimously agree that teaching speaking skills is crucial in preparing students for life in society.</p> Rifandi Perdana, Yusup Maulana Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:11:27 +0700 EXPLORING CHATGPT IN LANGUAGE EDUCATION: FRIEND OR FOE FOR TEACHERS? <p>Amidst the rapid progress in artificial intelligence, especially with the emergence of ChatGPT, there is a growing interest among experts and practitioners. This research delves into the perspectives of language educators in Indonesia concerning ChatGPT's potential as a language learning tool and the associated concerns. The study adopts a quantitative approach, employing an online questionnaire featuring 18 items rated on a four-point Likert scale and three open-ended queries. The sample encompasses 100 educators, English, Indonesian, and Mandarin language teachers and lecturers. Results reveal that a significant number of respondents are acquainted with internet-based artificial intelligence, acknowledging the practicality of ChatGPT in educational settings. Notably, 87% of language educators express support for initiatives aimed at enhancing understanding and integration of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd) to improve instructional efficiency. Furthermore, a majority believes that ChatGPT can assist language learners in refining vocabulary, grammar, oral, and written skills. These findings underscore the importance for educational stakeholders to find a balanced approach between integrating AI tools and maintaining a pedagogical paradigm that prioritizes student engagement and critical cognitive development.</p> Rosdiana, Mulyadi Syahputra Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:16:20 +0700 ASSESSMENT OF USERS PERCEPTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BUILDINGS IN NIGERIA <p>The Indoor environmental quality of any building can directly affect the wellbeing of the users of the building. The university libraries being a public space designed for learning purposes, must meet important specific indoor criteria such as lighting, acoustics and etc in order to enhance students' academic performance. The aim of this is to examine elements in the indoor environmental condition of university libraries that could enhance user’s educational learning. The objective is to identify and address the potential issues and the challenges encountered by the library use’s that could discourage them from using the library. A survey methodology and the use of questionnaire was adopted to collect data from library users in three (3) universities in the study location (n=484). The response rate recorded 84% having overall reliability test of 0.87. Findings indicate that the respondents agreed that the indoor environmental condition were satisfactory. However further findings suggests that as the environmental condition improves, the users were more inclined to the use of the library. The study concludes that there is need to improve the indoor environmental condition of the library. This would encourage more attention of the library users to harness the library for their educational learning and consequently boost their academic performance.</p> Collins A. Anyanwu, Oluwafemi K. Akande Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:17:42 +0700 WHY ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS IN ACEH CHOOSE TO LEARN ENGLISH: AN IN-DEPTH INVESTIGATION INTO MOTIVATIONS <p>This quantitative study investigates the motives prompting first-year students in Aceh, comprising 132 participants from English Department Students across different academic years in Bina Bangsa Getsempena University, to learn the English language. Utilizing the Attitude/Motivation Test Battery model, the research employs surveys to glean insights into the diverse motivations of 92 female and 40 male students. By applying established theories of language learning motivation, the study aims to discern the nuanced reasons underpinning students' decisions to engage with English. The findings, rooted in a robust quantitative methodology, not only enrich the empirical understanding of language learning motivations but also offer practical implications for refining language education strategies in the distinctive context of Aceh.</p> Mulyadi Syahputra Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:18:42 +0700 MATHEMATICS HOMEWORK: IS IT STILL NECESSARY? <p>In recent years, it has been debated whether homework for mathematics subjects is still necessary or not. Mathematics is a science that requires a lot of practice and repetition so that the material communicated can be mastered by students perfectly so it requires practice in the form of homework with clear, useful goals and stimulating creativity and collaboration in order to be able to do it. However, on the other hand, homework in mathematics will reduce quality time at home, especially if homework simply moves activities from school to home. We know that mathematics is a very difficult subject and everyone avoids interacting and communicating with mathematics. This article was written using the library research method. Library materials were searched using the Google Search Engine for scientific literature. The data collected relates to homework carried out by elementary school students. Data analysis uses Huberman's model which includes data reduction, data display and data verification stages. The results obtained are how to search for literature reviews, namely using Google Scholar. The search words used were Homework, Mathematics Homework, . There are 2 things that can be done to support homework activities in elementary schools, namely assignment methods according to student characteristics, and parental guidance. The assignment method can be used by teachers to train students' learning at home. Parental guidance can be done to bring feelings and goodness closer to the family.</p> Aprian Subhananto, Wafiq Nurul Huda, Malik Ibrahim, Rita Wahyuni Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:19:57 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF COUNSELING OR LEAFLETS ON TEENAGERS' KNOWLEDGE ABOUT HIV AIDS AT MUHAMMADIYAH 3 YOGYAKARTA HIGH SCHOOL <p>The incidence of HIV/AIDS from year to year has increased worldwide WHO stated that by the end of 2015, at least 36.9 million people are affected by HIV/AIDS and keep increasing in prevalence. The aim of this study is to know theeffect of the socialization or leaflet to the knowledge of the adolescent about HIV AIDS in SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. This study uses Quasy Experiment Two group pretest-posttest methods with 60 respondents selected with proportional sampling, the data were analyzed using T-Test. This study shows that the mean value of the pre-test and post-test in the group with socializationis 40.93, while the means value of the group with leaflet is 33.87, with the difference of 7.067 and P-value 0.01, which shows that the transfer of knowledge of the adolescent given socialization is 7 times more effective than the adolescent with leaflet. Socialization is 7 times more effective compared to the leaflet in transferring knowledge about HIV AIDS at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta.</p> Reka Julia Utama, Gadis Halizasia, Ferdi Riansyah Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:21:39 +0700 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMMUNITY BEHAVIOR AND TREATMENT OF SYMPTOMS OF INCREASED URIC ACID LEVELS IN KAYEE LEE VILLAGE, WANT JAYA DISTRICT, ACEH BESAR REGENCY <p>The body's purine levels are too high, causing the body's uric acid levels to increase, crystals forming in the joints, causing joint discomfort. If there is too much uric acid in the blood, crystals form in the joint fluid. Gout develops into a disease. Gout is characterized by pain, stiffness and inflammation of the joints, problems with joint movement, and decreased muscle strength. This pain is worsened when doing activities that involve the joints and is reduced when resting. Joint pain is generally felt in the morning followed by inflammation, redness in the painful area, and weakness. The first treatment for gout joint pain in general is pharmacological. Pharmacological drugs are the most frequently used form of pain control. Pharmacological drugs consumed too often will affect the action of the drug in the body because the elderly have experienced various changes in body function. This research is descriptive analytical with a cross sectional approach, the population in this study is the people of Kaye Lee village who have been diagnosed with gout and are active in posyandu activities, totaling 32 people. Based on the results of research from 32 respondents, it was found that of the 23 respondents (100%) who had good knowledge, of which the majority had treatment, 18 (78.3%) respondents, of the 24 (100%) respondents who had a positive attitude, the majority had treatment. 18 (75.0%) respondents, of the 21 (100%) respondents who had the majority action, 16 (76.2%) respondents had treatment. The results of statistical tests obtained a p value of 0.001, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between community behavior and handling of symptoms of increased uric acid levels in Kayee Lee Village, Want Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency.</p> Maulida, Eridha Putra, Aina Please Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:26:48 +0700 ACEH CULTURAL HERITAGE BASED ON CANTENGAN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE: AN EDUCATIONAL APPROACH TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a case study research model. Through the Tridharma service activity, researchers explain the phenomena that occur in society today, especially people who have compromised foot health. An ingrown toenail is a condition where the nail at the edge grows into the skin, causing the skin and underlying tissue to become inflamed. Ingrown toenails can occur on the nails of the hands and feet, but most often occur on the big toes. This research provides a real solution to educate elementary school students in recognizing and understanding traditional medicine that is effective and effective in dealing with this disease. Based on the fact that people still do not understand the meaning of traditional medicines inherited from the ancestors of the Indonesian people. In essence, all plants have their own benefits and functions. Students are given an understanding of how to make and use it to care for toenails to prevent ingrown toenails.</p> Musdiani, Siti Mayang Sari, Rahmatullah Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:33:15 +0700 THE EFFECT OF MASSAGE ON REDUCING FATIGUE AFTER TRAINING IN ACEH PABSI WEIGHTLIFTERS <p>This study aims to investigate the effect of massage therapy on reducing fatigue in weightlifters at the Indonesian Weightlifting Association (PABSI) Aceh. Data was collected from 15 athletes through pretests and postes using fatigue assessment instruments. The results of the data analysis showed that the average score of the pretest was 67.33, while the postes increased to 97.00. In addition, the median value of the pretest is 65.00 which rises to 95.00 in postes. The normality test shows that the pretest and posttest data are normally distributed (p &gt; 0.05). T-test analysis yielded a t-count of 8.378, exceeding the table's t (1.76131) by significant values of 0.000 &lt; 0.05. Therefore, there is a significant difference between pretes and postes, supporting the acceptance of alternative hypotheses. These findings suggest that massage therapy has a significant positive impact on reducing fatigue in weightlifters. The implications of this research can be used as a basis for further development of athletic recovery methods and contribute to a practical understanding of the benefits of massage in the context of weightlifting.</p> Zulheri Is Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:08:52 +0700 INFLUENCE OF NURSES' PHYSICAL AND MENTAL WORKLOAD WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TEAM METHOD IN ISKANDAR MUDA LEVEL IV HOSPITAL INPATITION ROOM 07. 01 LHOKSEUMAWE <p>Nursing as professional service or care has the characteristics and tips of nursing, is oriented towards other objective needs, refers to professional nursing standards and uses nursing ethics as a general requirement. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of nurses' physical and mental workload by implementing the team method. This research uses quantitative research with a correlational design with a cross sectional approach. This research was carried out on July 31 to August 11, 2023.The population is90 nurses. The total sample was 73 respondents. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Data analysis in this study used the chi square test, based on the results of the research conducted in the Inpatient Room of Level IV Iskandar Muda Hospital 07.01 Lhokseumawe, research conducted on 73 respondents, it can be seen that there is heavy physical workload in application of the team method with a p value of 0.013 &lt; 0.05,which means there is a relationship between physical workload in the application of the team method And mental workload in application of the team method with a p value of 0.029 &lt; 0.05,which means there is a relationship between mental workload in implementing the team method. It is recommended that hospital management provide education and training regarding occupational health safety on a regular basis, form a team that controls physical factors and work conditions, and provide counseling institutions/services for nursing staff.</p> Eridha Putra, Gadis Halizasia, Maulida, Nurul Khairi Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:14:36 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF MOTHER TODDLER CLASS ON MOTHER'S KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS REGARDING THE STIMULATION OF THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF TODDLER CHILDREN IN THE WORKING AREA OF THE KUTA MAKMUR HEALTH CENTER <p>Late detection of growth and development deviations will be more difficult to intervene and will affect children's growth and development. Mothers must be equipped with sufficient knowledge and skills to stimulate child growth and development. To determine to improve mothers' knowledge and skills about stimulating toddler growth and development, namely by conducting the Toddler Mother Class (KIB). Research design using quasy experiment design (one group pretest–postest). The population was 129 people with a sample of 56 respondents. The sampling method is accidental sampling using the wilcoxon test. There is an influence of the mother toddler class on mothers' knowledge and skills about stimulating the growth and development of children under five in the work area of the Kuta Makmur Health Center. It is hoped that this research is useful and used as information material to add insight, comparison and reference to conduct further research, especially for midwifery researchers who will research and become a reference for further research by adding research variables and broader research objects.</p> Rahmisyah, Zurriyati Armawi Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:19:08 +0700 NUTRITION IN PREGNANCY <p>Based on the mid upper arm circumference, 23.9% of the pregnant women were found to be undernourished (MUAC &lt; 23.0 cm). The Ministry of Health announced the results of the Indonesia Nutrition Status Survey (INSS) at the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) National Working Meeting, where the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia decreased from 24.4% in 2021 to 21.6% in 2022. Researchers conducted a systematic search using a computer and explored the electronic databases PubMed in November 2023. Using PRISMA procedures, a systematic review was conducted by searching in biomedical databases clinical trials and interventions for pregnant women. The PubMed Central search strategy yielded a total amount of 386 articles. Based on the analysis, optimizing weight gain during pregnancy according to IOM recommendations includes maintaining a normal BMI at the beginning of pregnancy. First, clinicians should assess the mother's pre-pregnancy weight, recommend weight gain during pregnancy, and create a weight gain plan during pregnancy by developing a curve or graph. Second, individual assistance and counseling are provided before and during pregnancy to help mothers choose a diet and physical activity that play a role in controlling weight gain. Third, assisting mothers in returning to normal BMI postpartum. Fourth, the increase in daily calorie requirements is only about 340 Kcal/day in the second trimester and 450 Kcal/day in the third trimester. For multiple pregnancies, the increase in calories is calculated based on per fetus, requiring an additional 300 Kcal/day.</p> Fitria, Risna Fazlaini, Dewina Susanti, Nizam Mauyah Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:21:14 +0700 FACTORS RELATED TO HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM IN FIRST TRIMESTER PREGNANT WOMEN AT THE SOUDAH INDEPENDENT MIDWIFE PRACTICE (PMB), MUARA DUA DISTRICT, LHOKSEUMAWE CITY IN 2023 <p>Hyperemesis gravidarum is vomiting that occurs until 20 weeks gestation, vomiting so intense that everything eaten and drunk is regurgitated that it affects the general condition and daily work, weight loss, dehydration. The incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum in Indonesia is from 1% to 3% of all pregnancies. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with hyperemesis gravidarum in 1st trimester pregnant women at PMB Soudah, Muara Dua District, Lhokseumawe City in 2023. This type of research is an Analytical Survey with Cross Sectional Design, all first trimester pregnant women who experience hyperemesis gravidarum found at PMB Soudah Muara Dua District in March - May 20 23, namely as many as 30 respondents. Data retrieval techniques use primary data. The analysis used in this study was univariate and bivariate with chi square statistical test. The results of the study based on the chi square test showed that the variables of age p-value 0.023 (&lt;0.05), p-value parity 0.018 (&gt;&lt;0.05), husband support p-value 0.026 (&gt;&lt;0.05), work p-value 0.007 (&gt;&lt;0.05) which means there is a significant relationship between age, parity, husband support, and work with hyperemesis gravidarum in first trimester pregnant women. Conclusion from This study is a relationship between age, parity, husband support, and work with hyperemesis gravidarum in first trimester pregnant women at PMB Soudah, Muara Dua District, Lhokseumawe City in 2023. It is recommended that Haamil mothers make regular ANC visits and carry out information obtained from&gt;&lt;0.05), p-value parity 0.018 (&lt;0.05), husband support p-value 0.026 (&lt;0.05), work p-value 0.007 (&lt;0.05) which means there is a significant relationship between age, parity, husband support, and work with hyperemesis gravidarum in first trimester pregnant women. Conclusion from This study is a relationship between age, parity, husband support, and work with hyperemesis gravidarum in first trimester pregnant women at PMB Soudah, Muara Dua District, Lhokseumawe City in 2023. It is recommended that Haamil mothers make regular ANC visits and carry out information obtained from health workers to prevent and overcome the incidence of hyperemsis gravidarum.</p> Fika Maulid, Nelva Riza, Sri Rezeki Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:22:36 +0700 THE RELATIONSHIP OF PARENTING STYLES AND CHILDREN'S HEIGHT IN BANDAR DUA STATE KINDERGARTEN, BANDAR DUA SUB-DISTRICT, PIDIE JAYA DISTRICT <p>Height is a crucial anthropometric parameter. Generally, height measurements can be used to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI). Individually, height measurements in children can be used to determine nutritional status, while height measurement data in a population can be used to assess growth standards. Determining the nutritional status of children, especially children under the age of five, is essential, considering that the incidence of malnutrition in this range of age can lead to disruption of the child's growth and development function, the impact of which will still be visible in adulthood. The role of mothers and parenting styles greatly influence the nutritional status of toddlers. Family parenting patterns influence the nutritional status of toddlers because toddlers still rely on their parents in fulfilling their food intake and health care. Meanwhile, the quality of food and nutrition depends on the family's parenting patterns. Analytical research design with a cross sectional study was conducted in Bandar Dua public kindergarten, Pidie Jaya Regency on 7-12 October 2022. This research used a sample of 58 mothers with a total sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire and microtools. The research results: generally, the parenting style is permissive (55.2%), nutritional status was generally normal (79.3%), and a P value of 0.000 was obtained. Conclusion: there is a relationship between parenting styles and the height of kindergarten children. Parents should change their parenting style from authoritarian to democratic or permissive parenting.</p> Risna Fazlaini, Fitria Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:23:48 +0700 THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE ROLE OF POSYANDU CADRES ON THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF ELDERLY STROKE SUFFERS IN THE WORKING AREA OF THE MEURAH MULIA COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER NORTH ACEH <p>Stroke in the elderly can affect life in various aspects, including physical, psychological, emotional, cognitive and social. This decreased function will have an impact on the quality of life of the elderly. Elderly posyandu cadres have a role in improving the quality of life of the elderly by means of motivation, counseling and regular health monitoring. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between the role of posyandu cadres and the quality of life of elderly stroke sufferers in the Meurah Mulia Community Health Center working area, North Aceh. This research design uses a quantitative method approachcross sectional study. Population in this study totaling 32 people, namely all elderly stroke patients who were in the working area of the Meurah Mulia Community Health Center, North Aceh. The sampling technique was carried out using the total sampling Which totaling 32 people. Data analysis was carried out univariate and bivariate using tests Chi Square test. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be seen that there were 19 respondents (59.4%) in the Good category for patient quality of life and 13 respondents (40.6%) in the Poor category. Statistical test results using Chi Square Test obtained value 0.002 &lt; 0.005, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the role of Posyandu cadres and the quality of life of elderly stroke sufferers in the working area of the Meurah Mulia Community Health Center, North Aceh Regency.</p> Aina Fitri, Mahruri Saputra, Rehmaita Malem, Nadia Ulfa Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:31:54 +0700 EFFECTIVENESS OF WARM SALT WATER SOAKING FOR JOINT PAIN IN THE ELDERLY WANT JAYA DISTRICT, ACEH BESAR, INDONESIA <p>The elderly are a group or population at high risk of experiencing health problems. Health problems often experienced by the elderly are caused by decreased function of the body's systems. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of education on joint pain management through complementary therapy in older people based on warm salt water soaking videos. This research is a research with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study was 37 older adults who experienced joint pain. The sampling technique uses a total sampling technique. Soak in warm salt water once by dipping your feet and soaking your feet 10-15 cm above the ankles for 15 minutes. The water temperature used is 32°C-35°C. The study results showed that educational actions were effective in treating joint pain through complementary therapy in older people based on videos of warm salt water immersion (P=0.000). Soaking feet in salt water can be an alternative therapy for older adults with joint pain.</p> Rehmaita Malem, Andry Nazarra, Aina Fitri, Mulia Putra Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:32:56 +0700 FACTORS INFLUENCING PREGNANT WOMEN'S COMPLIANCE IN CONSUMING IRON (Fe) TABLETS IN THE WORKING AREA OF THE INGIN JAYA PUSKESMAS, ACEH BESAR DISTRICT, 2023 <p>Pregnant women usually complain of fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, pale faces, and various other complaints. All these complaints are an indication that the pregnant woman is suffering at the Ingin Jaya Health Center, Aceh Besar Regency. This study aimed to determine the relationship between factors that influence pregnant women's compliance with iron tablets and their relationship to the incidence of anemia at the Ingin Jaya Community Health Center. This research method is analytical with a Cross-Sectional study research design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with a sample size of 42 people—data analysis using Chi-Square. The results showed that from 42 samples, 54.8% of pregnant women were categorized as non[1]compliant, 66.7% had low knowledge, 42.9% had negative attitudes, 100% had good health services and 59.5% lacked family support. All research variables have a significant relationship with knowledge, attitudes, family support, and compliance with the incidence of anemia. It is recommended that pregnant women adhere to taking iron tablets during pregnancy and know the consequences if they are not consumed properly. Iron tablets that have been given by health workers.</p> Gadis Halizasia, Nelva Riza, Reka Julia Utama Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:33:45 +0700 THE RELATIONSHIP OF DIET AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY WITH THE INCIDENT OF HYPERUSEMIA IN THE ELDERLY IN KEH VILLAGE, NIBONG DISTRICT, NORTH ACEH DISTRICT <p>Hyperuricemia includes a degenerative disease that attacks the joints Gout is a metabolic disorder characterized by increased uric acid (hyperuricemia). Food and drinks are one of the factors that can increase uric acid levels in the blood. Physical activity is the movement of the body due to the activity of the skeletal muscles which involves energy expenditure. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between diet and physical activity with the incidence of hyperusemia in the elderly in Keh Nibong Village. This study used quantitative research with a correlational design with a Cross Sectional approach. Theimplementation of this research was carried out on July 27 – August 1, 2023. The population is 42 patients. Tehnik sampling using total sampling. Data analysis in this study using Chi Square test and Kolmogorof Smirnov, the results showed that based on statistical tests (Chi-Square), obtained P-Value value = 0.001 (0.001 &lt; 0.05) which means ho was rejected, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between diet and incidence hyperusemia in the elderly in Keh Village, Nibong District. An alternative test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, obtained results with p values of 0.003 &lt; 0.05, which means that there is a significant relationship between physical activity and the incidence of hyperusemia in the elderly in Keh Village, Nibong District.</p> Mahruri Saputra, Aina Fitri, Suci Safitri Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:40:27 +0700 ANALYSIS OF RISK FACTORS POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE AMONG MOTHERS IN THE DELIVERY ROOM OF RSUD dr. ZAINOEL ABIDIN BANDA ACEH IN 2023 <p>Globally, efforts to reduce the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) are a top health priority. It is estimated that around 70% of maternal deaths are due to bleeding. Hemorrhage happened in time postpartum. Obstetric complications in Aceh Province were 20.3% and 32 cases were due to bleeding. This study aims to analyze risk factors for incidents Postpartum Hemorrhage to the mother in the delivery room at RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin (RSUDZA) Banda Aceh in 2023.Research design used correlational, using quantitative methods, with approach cross-sectional. Located in the Maternity Room at RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh in 2023. The population and sample in the study were all maternal data postpartum in January - June 2023 there will be 138 people in the maternity ward at RSUDZA Banda Aceh. Random sampling technique total population. Data collection tools use sheets checklist patient medical record data. Data analysis using logistic regression test to calculate the Odds Ratio with a 95% confidence level, using the STATA 13 program. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between: maternal age (p=0.000; OR=11.00), parity (p=0.000; OR=7.72), pregnancy interval (p=0.001; OR=3.2) , type of delivery (p=0.000; OR=42.6), birth canal injury (p=0.036; OR=2.2), birth weight (p=0.000; OR=23.51) with the incidence postpartum hemorrhage to mothers in the delivery room at RSUDZA Banda Aceh in 2023. This study identified a number of risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage. Optimizing activities screening These factors can reduce the incidence postpartum hemorrhage. To prevent this from happening postpartum hemorrhage It is hoped that health workers in the RSUDZA maternity room can improve the quality of health services and the community must be more cooperative in carrying out early detection of bleeding during pregnancy.</p> Dewi Faridha, Miftahul Jannah, Nurnarita Laila, Maifrizal Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:41:32 +0700 FACTORS RELATING TO THE SUCCESS OF WORKING MOTHERS IN EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING, NORTH ACEH, INDONESIA <p>Exclusive breastfeeding means babies are only given breast milk without any other additional food. It is recommended for up to 6 months and breastfed as early as possible. Exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is six months old can protect the baby from various diseases that cause infant death. Apart from benefiting the baby, exclusive breastfeeding also helps the mother, namely reducing postpartum bleeding, reducing blood loss during menstruation, accelerating weight gain before pregnancy, and reducing the risk of breast cancer and uterine cancer. The research aims to look at the factors that influence the success of working mothers in providing exclusive breastfeeding in the Sampoiniet community health center working area, Aceh district. The research method uses analytical observational research using a cross-sectional research design. The number of samples in this study was 39 working mothers with babies aged 7-12 months in the Sampoiniet Community Health Center Working Area, North Aceh Regency, using total sampling techniques. The results of the study showed that there was a relationship between knowledge (p=0.03), family support (p=0.03), and availability of facilities (p=0.00) with exclusive breastfeeding. Suggestions for health workers can improve the quality of services in promoting the exclusive breastfeeding program and cross-sector collaboration to support the exclusive breastfeeding program. To husbands, the success of exclusive breastfeeding is determined by the role of the family, especially the husband</p> Nelva Riza, Ristiani, Maysyura Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:55:45 +0700 RELATIONSHIP OF AND ATTITUDE WITH CLEAN AND HEALTHY LIVING BEHAVIOR (PHBS) IN THE COMMUNITY IN U BARO VILLAGE COT GIREK DISTRIC NORTH ACEH <p>The importance of clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) in the household is that every household can improve their health and not get sick easily, children grow up healthy and intelligent, work productivity of family members increases. Clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is an action that is produced based on awareness and is partly an effort to become a person/group to improve themselves in the health sector. One of the efforts made to improve health is by providing health education so that people are healthy and free from various diseases. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes and clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) in the community in U Baro village, Cot Girek subdistrict, North Aceh district. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire. This research uses quantitative research with a correlational design with a cross sectional approach. This research was carried out on 29 - 2 August 2023. The total sample was 92 respondents. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Data analysis in this study used the chi square test, the results of the study showed that there was a relationship between knowledge and clean and healthy living behavior with a p value of 0.006 &lt; 0.05, which means there is a significant relationship between knowledge and clean and healthy living behavior, it can be seen that there is The relationship between attitude and clean and healthy living behavior has a p value of 0.003&lt;0.05, which means there is a significant relationship between attitude and clean and healthy living behavior&gt;&lt;0.05, which means there is a significant relationship between attitude and clean and healthy living behavior.</p> Komala Kartikasari Nst, Mahruri Saputra, Fazilla Ash Syifa Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:57:25 +0700 ETHNOBOTANIC STUDY OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL PLANTS IN SEROMBOU INDAH VILLAGE, ROKAN HULU DISTRICT, RIAU PROVINCE <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the plant species used by the community in Serombou Indah village. This research was conducted from March to June 2022. This research is a descriptive research using survey and interview methods. The results showed that 22 families of 27 plant species were used as traditional medicinal ingredients, the most dominant family was the Zingiberaceae family which consisted of 4 species, the Asteraceae family had 2 species and the Piperceae family had 2 species, while the other families had 1 species. The part of the plant that is most widely used as medicine is the leaves of 17 species and the least is the flower and tuber of 1 species. The most common processing method is by boiling 12 species and at least 1 species grated and cut. Diseases that can be treated with a maximum of 9 species of fever and at least 1 species of ringworm, nosebleeds and sprains.</p> Dahlia, Nofa Nofianti, Ria Karno, Jismi Mubarrak Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:58:12 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF SUPPORT VECTOR REGRESSION FOR PREDICTING LAWYER CHARGES USING CLOUD COMPUTING IN GOOGLE COLAB <p>In court, the role of the lawyer is needed by the defendant in carrying out the defense. In various legal cases, lawyers are able to assist and accompany their clients until the judge's decision is rendered. However, lawyer charge can vary depending on several factors. This research proposes 3 factors that can affect attorney fees. i.e., length of sentence, type of case and distance of lawyer's office to Jakarta district court. The data used in this study is 100 judge's decision data originating from the website of the Jakarta district court. Then the data is divided into two parts with 80 data for training data and 20 for test data. In this study, we predict the lawyer charge by implementing Support Vector Regression (SVR) method in Google Colab. Based on results of this research, we found that the value of Mean Square Error (MSE) was 0.401, the value of Mean Absolute Error (MAE) was 0.347, and the value of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was 0.633.</p> Ilmiyati Sari, Rifki Kosasih, Dina Indarti Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:59:09 +0700 ANALYSIS OF COPING MECHANISMS AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN MENOPAUSE WOMEN IN KAYE LEE VILLAGE, INGIN JAYA DISTRICT, ACEH BESAR DISTRICT <p>Menopause is the cessation of menstruation forever. Menopause usually occurs in women from the age of 45-55 years. The formulation of the problem in this study is Is There a Relationship Between Coping Mechanisms and Quality of Life in Menopausal Women in Kaye Lee Village, Wanna Jaya District, Aceh Besar District? The research design used was descriptive analytic with female research subjects who were categorized as menopausal in Kaye Lee Village, Want Jaya District, Aceh Besar District. The sampling technique used accidental sampling based on chance with a total of 55 people. The results of this study indicate a significant p-value (0.056 &lt;0.05). Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between coping mechanisms and quality of life in postmenopausal women in Kaye Lee Village, Wanna Jaya District, and Aceh Besar District. The coping mechanism or the way menopausal women manage their lives greatly affects their quality of life because women who enter menopause will experience various complaints caused by significant hormonal changes. There needs to be a good coping mechanism in postmenopausal women for emotional, physical, individual social well-being, as well as activities in daily life.</p> Ferdi Riansyah, Eridha Putra; Mardhatillah; Fitri Yanti, Mutia Abdullah, Desikaliana Desikaliana, fajriansyah fajriansyah, zubir zubir Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 31 Jan 2024 11:06:00 +0700 COPING MECHANISM TOWARDS CAREGIVER ADAPTATION ABILITY IN CARING FOR CLIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA IN ACEH: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY <p>Caregivers who care for schizophrenic clients are at risk of experiencing psychological problems, one of which is high levels of stress, so good adaptation skills are needed. This study aims to determine the effect of threat coping on caregivers' adaptability in caring for schizophrenic clients in Aceh using a cross sectional study approach. The sampling technique used a multistage random sampling technique with a sample size of 180 respondents. Data collection uses instruments, namely demographic data which includes age, gender, marital status, education, employment, relationship with clients, and income. The next instruments are the Coping Scale and Occupational Adaptation Questionnaire of Family Caregiver (QAQC) to assess coping mechanisms on caregiver adaptation abilities. . The results showed that the majority of caregivers were women (97.8%), aged between 46 and 55 years (71.7%), marital status was widower (66.1%), the relationship between caregiver and patient was mother (69, 4%), basic income education (72.2%) and below the provincial minimum wage (83.3%). Bivariate tests showed that there was a relationship between coping mechanisms (p=0.024) and caregivers' adaptability in caring for schizophrenic clients (p=0.000). It can be concluded that coping mechanisms can influence caregivers' adaptability in caring for schizophrenic clients. It is recommended that the attention of Community Health Centers, especially Aceh, can provide important information in carCaregivers who care for schizophrenic clients are at risk of experiencing psychological problems, one of which is high levels of stress, so good adaptation skills are needed. This study aims to determine the effect of threat coping on caregivers' adaptability in caring for schizophrenic clients in Aceh using a cross sectional study approach. The sampling technique used a multistage random sampling technique with a sample size of 180 respondents. Data collection uses instruments, namely demographic data which includes age, gender, marital status, education, employment, relationship with clients, and income. The next instruments are the Coping Scale and Occupational Adaptation Questionnaire of Family Caregiver (QAQC) to assess coping mechanisms on caregiver adaptation abilities. . The results showed that the majority of caregivers were women (97.8%), aged between 46 and 55 years (71.7%), marital status was widower (66.1%), the relationship between caregiver and patient was mother (69, 4%), basic income education (72.2%) and below the provincial minimum wage (83.3%). Bivariate tests showed that there was a relationship between coping mechanisms (p=0.024) and caregivers' adaptability in caring for schizophrenic clients (p=0.000). It can be concluded that coping mechanisms can influence caregivers' adaptability in caring for schizophrenic clients. It is recommended that the attention of Community Health Centers, especially Aceh, can provide important information in caring for schizophrenic clients to their for schizophrenic clients to their caregivers.</p> Mohd. Rizal Fahmi Adha, Siti Nurafifah Qarimah Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 02 Feb 2024 09:50:06 +0700 Maternal Factors Associated with Cesarean Section in Indonesia: Evidence from IDHS 2017 <p>Introduction: Increased the number of cesarean sections in Indonesia based on IDHS data in 2017 by 17.6%. This figure exceeds the recommendation of WHO, which is 10-15%. The impact of cesarean section related to maternal and infant health, health financing budgets, and public health policies. This research article analyzes the relationship between maternal factors and cesarean section in Indonesia. This is a novelty in this article. Objective: This article aims to analyze the relationship of maternal factors with cesarean section in Indonesia. Method: The design of this study is a cross-sectional study using data from the 2017 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS). The sampling design was stratified two-stage sampling, with a sample of 14,891 respondents. Data was analyzed using Stata 14.2. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis, bivariate analysis multivariate analysis. Results: Women who experienced pregnancy complications had a 1.2 times greater risk of cesarean section (OR=1.2, CI=1.0-1.4). Women who had a history of cesarean section had a 64.8 times greater risk of having a cesarean section (OR = 64.8, CI = 38.2-109.9). While the variables of labor complications, twins, and pregnancy spacing had no effect on cesarean section (OR&lt;1). Conclusion: Monitoring and evaluation of the increasing number of cesarean sections without medical indication and the severity of labor is necessary. The decision to undergo a cesarean section should be based on clear and solid reasons, supported by good medical data.</p> Istiqomah Risa Wahyuningsih; Hartono, Vitri Widyaningsih, Sri Mulyani Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 16 Feb 2024 19:57:21 +0700 An Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Speaking English <p>This study focused on analyzing the difficulties faced by students when speaking English at Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Banda Aceh. The study aimed to identify these difficulties and explore the underlying factors contributing to them. A mixed-methods research design was employed, involving questionnaires and interviews. The participant of this research was 21 eleventh-grade students. The findings indicated that students face various challenges in speaking English. They encountered obstacles in grammar (43% expressing concerns), fluency (15% citing regional accents as a barrier), pronunciation (15% experiencing difficulties), and vocabulary (43% uncertain about their proficiency). The study highlighted the need for tailored support to address these issues effectively. Additionally, the research explored factors contributing to these difficulties, including inhibition (43% lacking confidence), "Nothing to Say" during activities (24% finding it challenging), the availability of conversation partners (86% do not face a shortage), and the influence of the mother tongue (57% finding their native language easier). The study concluded that these multifaceted factors influence students' English-speaking abilities.</p> Rahmi Fhonna; Maskur, Suci Saufa Yuthika Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 16 Feb 2024 19:49:02 +0700 Thematic Learning Design at SDN Kuta Bakmee <p>This study uses descriptive qualitative research, which is research based on phenomena observed by researchers in accordance with events that occurred at Kuta Bakmee State Elementary School. Based on the existing phenomenon, the research concluded that the learning carried out by teachers at SD Negri Kuta Bakmee as a whole has used the new Knowledge learning model, From the observations of the research found that in the Kuta Bakmee State Elementary School Banda Aceh has a special learning model model in the learning process which affects the character of students, related to this the teacher applies the learning model strategy in each high class corresponds to the subject to be delivered. Class teachers encourage student interaction and collaboration through group discussions, joint projects or classroom activities that promote cooperation. The data used in the study used primary data sources, which were obtained directly in the field by observation and interviews through informants, namely principals, teachers and several students in lower grades 1-2 SD Negeri Kuta Bakmee. This article focuses on thematic learning design, where there are several subjects combined into one theme, and how much the level of understanding of students in the learning design used</p> Ai sumini; Dhea amanda, Hasna Arifatul Haq, Merlina Agustin, Siti Mayang Sari, Lili Kasmini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:06:23 +0700 Social Determinants of Hypertension in South Nias <p>Hypertension is very rarely reported because the disease is asymptomatic and people are less aware of their health. Data on risk factors needs to be obtained as soon as possible so that prevention can be carried out as early as possible to reduce the risk of death and disability. This study aims to determine the social of hypertension in South Nias. The research was conducted with a matched case-control study. The sample amounted to 100 people, where the case numbered 50 people and the control numbered 50 people. This research was conducted in the South Nias Regency. Cases were of essential hypertension who were diagnosed by doctors at the puskesmas and controls were neighbors of cases. Analyze with Mc Nemar X2 test, and calculate OR. The results showed that most subjects aged 41-62 years old, had high school and high school education and had jobs as farmers. The bivariate analysis found risk factors for hypertension are stress (OR = 2.01 CI 95% 1,234-3,285), excessive salt consumption (OR = 1.98 CI 95% 1,269-3,119), lack of physical activity (OR = 1, 87 95% CI 1,203-2,924), and obesity (OR = 1.81 CI 95% 1,094- 3,006). The conclusion of this study is the risk factors for the occurrence of essential hypertension are stress, excessive salt consumption, lack of physical activity, and obesity. Efforts to involve all stakeholders are needed to empower POSBINDU PTM, and the participation of community leaders in helping health workers promote health both in the village environment and in the Puskesmas.</p> Herbert Wau; Ida Yustina, Fazidah Aguslina Siregar, Nurmaini Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:07:30 +0700 EXPLORING WRITING CHALLENGES FACED BY STUDENTS: STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCING WRITING SKILLS IN THE WRITING CLASS <p>This study explores the experiences of Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh third-semester English students, focusing on the difficulties they encounter and the methods they use to get better at writing. The study gathers students' opinions about the complex range of challenges they face in their writing classes, emphasizing problems with motivation, vocabulary growth, creative thinking, organizational abilities, and language mechanics (such as grammar and punctuation). Furthermore, a significant proportion of students confess that they are insecure about their writing skills. The study employs a qualitative methodology, with the main means of gathering data being questionnaires. There are twenty closed-ended, Likert-scaled questions in these surveys. To shed more light on the experiences of the students, in-depth insights are also obtained through interviews. Positively, the results show a trend, with many students actively seeking to improve through positive means. They use writing manuals and Internet resources, and they clearly want advice and criticism. In addition, they consistently engage in self-evaluation and reflection as well as writing workshops. These findings show that students are making an effort to improve their writing abilities, even though there are certain common issues. This study offers educators helpful advice by highlighting the importance of addressing motivational issues and offering tools to support students as they develop into competent English writers</p> Lina Farsia; Sarair Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Sat, 02 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INCLUSIVE MATHEMATICS EDUCATION IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL THROUGH MERDEKA CURRICULUM <p>Every student possesses distinct learning needs that necessitate diligent efforts for fulfillment, particularly those requiring inclusive education. One of the pivotal strategies for meeting these requirements is through the curriculum. Presently, Indonesia employs the Merdeka Curriculum. This study aims to assess the efficacy of the Merdeka Curriculum in adequately facilitating inclusive mathematics education. The research methodology adopted involves document analysis. The principal focus of this research entails scrutinizing 12 regulatory documents and governmental policies concerning the Merdeka Curriculum and inclusive education, accessed through the <a href="">Database Peraturan | JDIH BPK</a>. The findings of this research are as follows: 1) The regulations and policies of the Merdeka Curriculum adequately accommodate students' learning needs through inclusive education, 2) Inclusive mathematics education is facilitated by the freedom to determine the flow of learning objectives and differentiation strategies, and 3) There are currently no guidelines or specific learning outcomes established in the field of mathematics for students with disabilities or exceptional intellectual and/or gifted abilities.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Muhammad Ari Subhi, Muhammad Ari Subhi; Darhim Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 04 Mar 2024 11:35:07 +0700 PLAGIARISM AND ITS IMPACTS ON TEACHING PRACTICES: INSIGHTS FROM THE INDONESIAN LECTURERS <p>This paper discusses the EFL lecturers’ views on plagiarism following their exposure to two distinct educational environments, their home university and Western universities. While existing literature has examined lecturers' views on plagiarism, there is a scarcity of research specifically investigating the perceptions of Western graduate lecturers and the influence of these perspectives on their pedagogical approaches. The present study aimed to address two research inquiries: 1) How did Indonesian EFL lecturers' opinions on plagiarism evolve between two academic communities over time? 2) What were the impact of the participants’ shifting views on their existing educational practice? The research employed semi-structured interviews as the primary method for data collection. Data were collected through interviews with a sample of nine EFL lecturers affiliated with a state academic institution in Indonesia. The findings indicated that the lecturers' views on plagiarism have undergone a shift due to their experiences studying abroad. This study suggests that the participants’ views has been shaped not only by the Western culture, but also by their own cultural backgrounds, such as religious beliefs. In terms of pedagogical practice, educators have transferred their understanding of plagiarism to their students by implementing their preferred pedagogical practice as well as consequences of plagiarism. This study highlights the need for Indonesian educators and policymakers to adapt Western perspectives on plagiarism to the Indonesian context. The adoption of Western perspectives may not align with the current academic context, highlighting the need for reform in pedagogical practice and cultural awareness. Policymakers should reassess the current approach to plagiarism prevention and consider adaptation within the Indonesian context.</p> Risa Fitria; Disa Evawani Lestari, Ani Pujiastuti, Grace Amialia Anfetonanda, Maria Yus Trinity Irsan Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Mon, 04 Mar 2024 11:36:28 +0700 RELIGIOUS VALUE IN THE SHORT STORY “PEREMPUAN YANG MENARI BERSAMA OMBAK” BY RINAL SAHPUTRA <p>This research examines religious values as a reflection of the character of the actor who experiences an event in the story. The aim of this research is to reveal the religious values in the short story "Perempuan yang Menari Bersama Ombak". This research method uses a qualitative approach to document study. The data collected is in the form of text fragments from the characters in the short stories. The analysis used in this research is content analysis with consideration of context using table instruments. The results of the research show that there are seven text fragments in the form of religious values in short stories involving characters</p> Harfiandi; Mayang Sari Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Tue, 05 Mar 2024 09:52:26 +0700 IDENTIFYING THE CRITICAL FACTORS OF STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTY UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT OF LOGARITHMS <p>Logarithms are one of the mathematics lesson materials in the algebra aspect which provide many benefits in everyday life. Despite the many benefits associated with logarithms, most students think that logarithms are something difficult and not worth learning. This research aims to determine important factors in students' difficulties in understanding the concept of logarithms. The samples were 99 class X students from three public high schools in Aceh Tamiang Regency. Data was obtained using a logarithm material diagnostic test instrument based on aspects of logarithms as an object, process, function, and contextual problems. From these four aspects, we identified 17 variables that caused students difficulty in understanding the concept of logarithms. The research results show that there are five main factors that cause students difficulties in understanding the concept of logarithms. These factors are: (a) connecting square roots with logarithms, (b) connecting logarithmic and exponential functions as inverses, (c) rules of logarithmic notation, (d) logarithmic graphs, and (e) simplifying logarithmic expressions</p> Ariyani Muljo; Budi Irwansyah, Wanda Darmawan, Juhendrifansyah, Ira Keumalasari Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Sat, 09 Mar 2024 14:53:32 +0700 AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHER ROLE IN TRAINING CHILDREN’S DISIPLINE THROUGH CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER PRACTICE IN GROUP B2 SAVE THE KIDS KINDERGARTEN BANDA ACEH <p>Discipline is a process of guidance that has the aim of instilling certain patterns of behavior and certain habits. Actually discipline is getting children to obey the rules in their environment. The research objectives are 1. To describe the activities carried out in training the development of early childhood discipline in the Save The Kids Kindergarten Banda Aceh. 2. Knowing the obstacles faced by teachers in teaching the development of early childhood discipline in B2 Kindergarten Save The Kids Banda Aceh. 2. Knowing the teacher's role in training the discipline of congregational prayer for early childhood in the B2 group of Save The Kids Kindergarten Banda Aceh.?. In this study, a descriptive qualitative design was chosen. Qualitative descriptive is research conducted with the aim of making a picture or description of a situation objectively by using interview instruments addressed to 3 teachers as respondents. The results showed that: 1. In general, the teacher's role in training disciplined learning in the practice of praying together went well, so that this supported children's success in exploring their activities which caused generally children's education to develop well. 2. The teacher provides motivation and tells stories so that the child's discipline develops well in the practice of praying together. 3. The teacher pays special attention to every child whose discipline development is lacking, namely by giving special attention to the child.</p> Dewi Yunisari; Elvina, Musdiani Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Sat, 09 Mar 2024 14:54:19 +0700 INDONESIAN PHONOLOGY ACQUISITION FOR FOUR YEARS OLD GIRLS <p>The Phoneme is the smallest unit of a language. In the process of adapting the sound,the children with phonological disorder will be difficult to distiguish the sounds that have the same area of articulation or type of sound. This research method is a case study with the research subject is Leticia Unna Alfatunnisa; a four years child. The results show that Una has acquired most of the phonemes in Indonesian. Una has acquired all the vowels, and most of the consonants. This occurs due to phonological disorders due to age factors which result in the speech apparatus or muscles used for speaking (speech motor) being incomplete or not fully developed; from the arrangement of the teeth, the shape of the jaw, to the tongue which may still be stiff.</p> Wahidah Nasution Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 13 Mar 2024 14:12:32 +0700 USING FUZZY ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS TO PRIORITIZE MEASUREMENT INDICATORS OF EMPLOYEE WELL-BEING IN ORO KOPI GAYO COMPANY <p>The need to measure complex dimensions of social and humanitarian problems such as quality of life, welfare, and health which cannot be measured using classical techniques, provides an opportunity for the fuzzy logic approach to solve these problems thanks to its ability to work within a framework uncertainty, ambiguity, and unclear information. This research aims to prioritize indicators for measuring employee well-being at the Oro Kopi Gayo company in conditions of uncertainty. Using Chang's Extent Analysis Method in the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process, this paper evaluates five main components of employee well-being: work satisfaction, organizational respect for the employee, employer care, positive/negative emotions, and intrusion of work into private life. It is hoped that the results of this research can be used as a reference in further research to determine the influence of these five criteria on employee well-being at the Oro Kopi Gayo company</p> Budi Irwansyah; Yenny Suzana, Subria Mamis, Indriyani Indriyani Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 13 Mar 2024 14:12:45 +0700 ETHNOLINGUISTIC STUDY: AN ANALYSIS OF LINGUISTIC ASPECTS THROUGH MARRIAGE TRADITIONS OF SOUTHWEST ACEH <p>The traditional customs of marriage in the Southwest Aceh community are used by the traditional leaders during the implementation of customs. Implicitly, it represents the culture of the Southwest Aceh community. This uniqueness is rich in meaning that can be understood through teachings passed down by the traditional leaders. The purpose of this research is to analyze linguistic units and cultural meanings in the traditional customs of marriage in the Southwest Aceh community. This is a qualitative descriptive research with a theoretical and methodological research approach. The research data includes oral and written data, obtained from primary sources such as informants and secondary sources. Data analysis is done in three ways: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research data shows that the linguistic aspects in the traditional customs of marriage in the Southwest Aceh community take the form of words, phrases, sentences, and discourses that can express cultural meanings reflecting the mindset and views of the Southwest Aceh community</p> Rika Kustina; Nurul Fadila Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Wed, 13 Mar 2024 14:13:04 +0700 ANALYSIS OF VALUES IN A COLLECTION OF GAYO FOLKTALES AND THEIR RELEVANCE TO INDONESIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 11 TAKENGON <p>The purpose of this research is to know and describe in the form of analysis of values in the collection of Gayo folklore and its relevance to Indonesian language learning at SMA Negeri 11 Takengon. descriptive research type with a qualitative approach using the research method of library study (Library Research). The data source in this research is the book of Gayo folklore collection which will be used as the object of research. Other data sources used in this research are the head of traditional leaders, Indonesian language teachers, and students of class X SMA Negeri 11 Takengon. This research uses fifteen Gayo folktales. The values contained in the Gayo folktales studied were analyzed using Wicaksono's (2014) theory of types of language styles, namely educational values, religious values, moral values, character education values, and cultural values. The results of this study are ten data forms of educational values, six data forms of religious values, nineteen data forms of moral values, three data forms of character education values, and fifteen data forms of cultural values. Based on the findings that the researchers have examined, it can be concluded that the most dominant values in Gayo folktales are moral values. The relevance of the collection of Gayo folktales to Indonesian language learning in high school, especially SMAN 11 Takengon, is that this story can be used as teaching material at school, because using this story can facilitate students and teachers in carrying out the learning process, especially in folklore material (hikayat) on KD 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9.</p> Yusrawati Jr Simatupang; Ria Nur Fadilah Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 15 Mar 2024 15:47:48 +0700 APPLICATION OF A REALISTIC MATHEMATICS LEARNING APPROACH TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' NUMERACY LITERACY ON DATA AND UNCERTAINTY CONTENT <p>This research aims to increase the Numeracy literacy of Agribusiness and Fisheries students on data and uncertainty content through the application of the PMRI learning approach in the context of fisheries production at PPI Oeba Kupang. The research method used is the Classroom Action Research Method (PTK). This research was carried out in the fisheries and marine department of the Agribusiness and Fisheries study program. The research subjects consisted of all 55 semester 1 students of the 2023/2024 academic year of the AGP study program. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the application of the PMRI Learning approach in the context of fisheries production at PPI Oeba Kupang was able to improve student learning outcomes regarding data and uncertainty content where the percentage of students who passed the classical completion standard continued to increase, from 50.90% in cycle 1, 72.72% in the second cycle, and 92.72% in the third cycle. 82.72% of students are categorized as having very high learning outcomes, and 82.13% of students are in the very high activeness category.</p> Sri Imelda Edo; Emi Renoat Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Fri, 15 Mar 2024 15:48:27 +0700 THE RELATIONSHIP OF EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING WITH THE INCIDENT OF DIARRHEA IN BABIES AGED 0-6 MONTHS <p>Exclusive breastfeeding is essential to protect babies/children from the risk of infectious diseases. Diarrhea, which is the contagious disease that causes mortality and morbidity in second place in children under five years of age (toddlers), is thought to be related to the low level of exclusive breastfeeding. This research aims to determine the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of diarrhoea in babies aged &gt; 0-6 months. This type of research is observational analytic using a cross-sectional design and a retrospective approach. The research population came from babies at the Pasar Merah Community Health Center in 2023. The research sample was 66 babies. Analysis of the relationship between variables was carried out using the chi-square test. The research results were obtained from 66 respondents; 6 (20.7%) babies were exclusively breastfed and suffered from diarrhoea, and 23 (34.8%) did not. Meanwhile, 29 (43.9%) babies who were not solely breastfed suffered from diarrhoea, and only 8 (12.1%) did not suffer from diarrhoea. The results of the chi-square test obtained a p-value = 0.000. The research conclusion shows that exclusive breastfeeding is related to the incidence of diarrhoea in babies aged 0-6 months.</p> Endang Sihaloho, Selvia Yolanda Dalimunthe, Mery Krista Simamora, Ristiani Ristiani Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Education, Science, Technology and Health (ICONESTH) Thu, 21 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700